Sant District Ana

Dates, Facts and Symbols of the City of Parnamirim. 1682? Leonel Pear tree Alencar (the son) acquires of the House of the Tower of the D? Avila, in the Bahia would sesmaria, it of the Clientele of Santana, corresponding area to the mesrorregio of the hinterland, whose part belonged to cariri pernambucano, area of Cabrob the Exu that later is as inheritance for its daughter-in-law and adoptive son, cabloca Brgida de Alencar. 1792? Religious missions commanded by French capuchinhos request of Brgida de Alencar the land donations for construction of chapels in all the small farms, towns and villages opened in that area of the Clientele of Santana, also in the area where later it would go to be born Parnamirim. 1835? Distribution of land soils of the Clientele of Santana for the heirs of Brgida de Alencar, marriages and relationships of the regional colonizadoras families. 1847 – Origin of the city: Farm Bag of the Martinho and construction of the chapel of Sant Ana. 1850 – Year of death of the founder of the Town, the lieutenant Martinho colonel of the Agra Coast. 1867 – Farm Bag of the dumb Martinho of name for the Sant District Ana of the Bag. 1870? Santana of the dumb Bag the name for Leopoldina.

1877 – The chapel of Sant Ana is knocked down to construct the First Church. 1879 – Leopoldina is desmembrada of Cabrob and starts to be village. 1909? Leopoldina passes the category of city. 1918 – First formed state teacher arrived of Recife to give lessons in Leopoldina. 1924? Road was constructed 1 that bound Leopoldina to the city to the Willow. 1930 – Period of the Revolution that nominated intendants for all the cities of Brazil, also for Leopoldina, where Antonio de S Snows was indicated for the position for the governor of Pernambuco at the time.


BOILER, Luis Claude. The Construction of the Myth Luis Alves de Lima and Silva (Duke of Caxias). 2009. Read more from The Related Companies to gain a more clear picture of the situation. 39 p SUMMARY. The present work has for objective to analyze the life of the only Brazilian Duke, Luis Alves de Lima and Silva (Duke of Caxias) 1803? 1880. By means of the existing Biographies on this most recent personage where I will use as Historical sources the workmanship of 1878 writing still while still alive of Caxias for the priest Joaquin Young chicken De Campos next to the writing for Capistrano de Abreu in 1908 and written in 2004 for Adriana B Souza the Caxias Duke that it gained prominence as To militate and Politician in Imperial Brazil.

The work if also concentrates in problematic of the attributed memory the Caxias: today he is recognized as protector of the army, but nor always it was thus; before the decade of 1920, Caxias was a secondary hero. This rank of protector of the army, the term fit to General Osrio protector or commemorated military man more in decade 1920, therefore the term protector not yet existed in the Brazilian military tradition, transistion this that will be argued throughout work. The biography of Adriana Barreto (2004), affirms to have had the construction of the Duke side monument leaving the figure human being in the history of the Brazilian Army. 1 Capitulo argues the beginning of life and career of Caxias as its characteristics of personality, (the profile) aspects of its familiar privacy and its human side (therefore to the army it passed the image of a very demanding rigorous man with regard to disciplines the times cruel but they cite it to the biographies as provided with common-sense with commanded and compassion with the enemy). No longer 2 I capitulate will be analyzed the campaigns of Caxias for Brazil: Balaiada, (1838) was where 1 received its heading from nobility of baron of Caxias, Tatters (1842) War of Paraguay etc.

As well as its life politics, therefore exerted some positions senator politicians the province president even so is considered avesso to the politics in the 1878 biography and 1908, of 2004 affirm to be evident its affinity politics. 3 I capitulate will make the quarrel of problematic ' ' Because Caxias if became patrono' ' evidencing that in 40 years (1880? 1920) were if delineating a dichotomy (that is it was separating to the human being and the monument) in the image of Caxias, appearing, to the end, the image of the national hero. Therefore its cult was instituted as protector in 1923 for the minister of the army Setembrino de Carvalho substituting Osrio for Caxias, exists the thesis of the article of Celso Castro (Between Caxias and Osrio 2002) that the change was for taking care of the republican interests of the time. In way to the military revolts in the decade of 1920. WORD KEY – Biography, army, problematic

Rio De Janeiro

Of this time, the groups had been distinguished and if they had differentiated for the ownership and the idea of property. I broke it of the mark of an identity, each group possua characteristic proper with language, religion, customs, forms of economy, rules in common etc. The interesting one is to perceive that in elapsing of history, many of these groups if had detached for the force, intelligence and for the amount of inhabitants. that each group with this complexity of recbia structure the civilization name. We have in registers evidences historical it of diverse civilizations, since simplest until most complex. What we need to understand is that the people since its origin receive influence of cultures, family, religion, school, friends, environments of work etc, and the good relationship alone if she optimizes when we respect the other with its particularitities, identifying our proper one and I resell possible necessities of changes. If strengtheing to each day, in knowing the other it implies in having a vast knowledge of the nature human being and the frequent motivations most common and that stimulate the man to act. The people are not only different between itself, but also the necessities that vary of individual for individual.

is accurately this great diversity that if constitutes in one of the immense wealth human beings, therefore is necessary that if it makes to respect the differences. The isolated man is a fiction, because it always backwards obtains a dimension that cannot be detached that it is its social and historical condition. The man as well as the other animals, lives in community associates to the other individuals of its species. However he is the only one that it speaks, it thinks, it learns and it teaches, it transforms itself and the nature, the MAN IS CULTURE IS HISTORY. At last it is of utmost importance to understand this process of interaction with the fellow creatures, interaction this that if of the one between two individuals or more, where the action of one of them is at the same time reply to another individual and stimulates for the actions of these, that is, the actions of simultaneously a result a cause of the actions of the other.

Oliveira Land

In the years of 1702/1704, it is had as first land assignee in the Cariri the sesmeiro river-grandense (North), Manuel Rodrigues Ayrosa. Its ownership was placed in the soil Is Jose, in the called valley of Lagoon of the Ayrosa, almost simultaneously enters the cities that later would be called of Crato and Juazeiro (Small farm Is Jose) In following periods, however, arrives at the region other tamers of which if they detach Colonel Antonio Mendes Lobato and Gil de Miranda, who much would come to contribute in favor of the advances of the settling. From 1714, when the pernambucanos and bahian investors initiate its descendings, forming contingent more numerous, the immense Valley of the Cariri passes for successive divisions, in highly productive povoamento fast e. Where the settling of this religion if gave with the creation of cattle and the culture of the sugar sugar cane and one I begin of mining and the exploration and dizimao of the natives (Kariris indians) where today are the cities of Old mission, Crato and Barbalha. It was exactly in land search to explore that for 1830 return if they had installed in the Salamanca small farm (today Barbalha) some Portuguese and its descendants, between them Miguel Enrique Xavier de Oliveira and a brother of not refined name in this research, where the same ones were trying to acquire sesmarias donated for the Empire.

Without getting much success in the acquisition of the desired Sesmaria, Mr. Miguel Enrique Xavier de Oliveira left its brother in the Salamanca small farm and came with the wife and some slaves to take ownership of a great situated land property the edges of the river 50 Jenipapeiro about km of its old dwelling. In this property, Miguel Xavier treated to create cattle and to cultivate cassava and sugar cane of sugar, prospering and if becoming important figure at this time, therefore, conquered the heading of Provincial Member of the house of representatives being elect in 1842 acting in the Real Village of the Crato.

Rio De Janeiro

Then, in this context, he conceives yourself as the movement of the leagues, as a historical fact and politician happened in our brief national history, that he searched to extend the debate on the Brazilian country property, at a time that the Northeast if found a notable social paradox due to the model of modernized production and with ' ' penetration of the capital in agriculture, leading inexorably the separation of the direct producer of the land and the fruits of its trabalho' '. (AZEVDO, Fernando Antonio. THE LEAGUES PEASANTS. Rio De Janeiro: Peace and Land, 1982, P. 19). Then, when having this capitalizaton in the agricultural production, consequentemente the accumulation of the capital will be a predominant factor in the process of expropriation of the peasant or the tributary worker of its lands, where exactly they produce its forms of subsistence, generally based in ' ' farmings brancas' ' , thus appearing a layer of wage-earning workers and with this, causing one ' ' marginalizao' ' of these people, a time that, when having this change of social relation in the field, lands in which, the peasants and the tenants in fee they used for the sustenance of its families, had been confiscated due to search for the increase of the production. He is valid to give a bigger attention to this modification of status, that is, at the moment where the peasant if becomes a wage-earning worker (characteristic typically of the capitalism), its subsistence will be materialize, not for its direct work in its lands, but now it will be for its force of work in exchange for a wage remuneration. From then on, the ideology present politics in the agricultural areas, passes for a releitura and for a new analysis, it has seen that, the flags of fight of the expropriated peasant would be the immediate devolution of its lands and its autonomy in its proper production economic.

Coast Pear

With the transference of the bispado one for Fishing, in the second half of the decade of 1910, the building, still unfinished, was vendido to captain Antonio David Gomes de Novaes. In 1928, the Group of Engineering of the Military Policy remodelled and concluded the building, where Battalion of the Public Force was installed 3. The main objective age to fight cangao. In the Revolution of 1930, it had shoot out inside and outside of the building, being died captain Joo Jac and the lieutenant Jose Coutinho of the Coast Pear tree. The commander, major Nlson Leobaldo, were wounded. After that Revolution, the building was disactivated.

In 1950, by initiative of the Lindaura teacher Gomes de S, the annex was constructed to shelter the activities of weaving, cut and sews, workshop of the Professional Center established by the florestana educator. Later the Pensionato of the Divine Step, located in the Square would function there Major Joo Novaes. It has the Residence of Colonel Manoel Olmpio de Menezes monument of excellent interest architectural, developed with a main body with attic forming the oito, and two small ones bodies in form of chal, the deep one of the lot. The building was constructed in 1920 for colonel Manoel Olmpio de Menezes, leadership politics of the city, having been mayor in the first decade of this century. Antonio Ferraz is located to the Street, in the center of the city. The Residence of the Dr. Joaquin Diniiz Hunter, building of excellent interest architectural, possesss the same tipolgica configuration of the residence of colonel Manoel Olmpio de Menezes. The Sobrado of the Square Major Joo Novaes, consisting of two floors and cover in four waters, with consisting rectangular plant with the same disposal in the two floors. Sobrado of interest architectural, keeps the same formal unit in the two faades directed toward the public areas.

Laboring Memory

In way this process the lieutenants had appeared as object of study of innumerable works, becoming the privileged element of the interpretations of the thirty revolution. In this direction the oppositions ' ' tenentes' ' verse oligarchy, was a privileged axle of the memory of the thirty revolution, passing to be defined as the place par excellence of the reading of the historical process in course in the vintes years. At last, ghost is not only the enemy of the thirty revolution, that is, the oligarchical ones; but the agents are ghost also qualified politicians for this historical memory and the lieutenants are one of them. The proposals to firm one autoritarista, however and visible politics that in the interior of the ruling class appeared an intensification of the demands politics of other social classrooms. In this direction the PD, broken democratic did not disclose regarding any one of the revolution proposals, therefore this means the polarization in relation to some trends.

Its objective one was the definition of the citizen politician, playing in the indefinio with intention to gain time. Therefore in the order of the day and the same seio of the ruling class, it is for occupying the points keys of the society and the state. A set of weight that if locates front to a changeable set of proposals politics that if it establishes with the insatisfao of many sectors of the ruling class with urban average segments and also the proper proletariat. In this period the BOC, laboring block appeared peasant who penetrates in the parliamentary fight does not stop assuming a revolution that passed to the plaza of this activity politics. Considering a revolution that did not dissociava of the fight forms, looking for to define a direction politics for the movement of opposition to the republican party. The laboring block elaborated its strategy of fight politics, contributing for the construction of an idea of anti-oligarchical revolution, also made solid the proper historical memory, annulling the laboring classroom as agent of that revolution. Therefore, it is visible the sprouting of an analysis of the industrial bourgeoisie around the decade of thirty without judging it light of the historical memory of the revolution, searching to perceive it practises it politics of the industrials in a process that it searched to occult the conflict between the capital and the work.

Egyptian Pyramids

Stately and shrouded mystery of centuries, they are among the sands, where once were flourishing gardens, and keeping silent about the time, witnesses were. Among all created by human hands, they seem to residues civilization of the Titans, who once inhabited the Earth. Scientists still can not understand in what way they were building. So far we only know that the pyramids were built as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs, but who really knows who and for which they were created. Egyptian Pyramids – one of the Seven Wonders of the World and the only one that survived to this day.

The mystery of the Pyramids did not give people peace for centuries. Another thousand years ago the historian Masoudi argued that the Egyptian pyramids at Giza are not only a repository of knowledge of the ancient Egyptians in astronomy, religion and art, but also contain 'predictions of the future'. In 1865 Robert Menzies suggested that, if we take the sacred inch of the Egyptians and to measure the length of the inner chambers of Egyptian pyramids, we find the chronological dates of the most important events of the past and future. Based on discoveries made in the town of boiled 1948-49, Egyptologists believe that the temple architecture of ancient Egypt also contains encoded characters are philosophical, historical and religious reasons. Pyramid and in fact are not just a cult buildings. This was confirmed by research engineer Davidson. He found that the diagonal of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops gives its direction along the meridian, up to 4 minutes 30 seconds.