Women In Management

As female top talent will be fit for the rise of the theme of diversity is at present at many companies at the top on the agenda. This development opened minded women chances to ascend rapidly within the company and to establish themselves in the management. But what should women be aware of, if you want to ascend in the hierarchy? Four training sessions for career, Claudia Schmidt, Managing Director of Mutaree GmbH and an expert in change management, calls four key success factors for the careers of women in management: First women must be movable, to identify opportunities and to be able to actually use. To do so is it to be important to be active, to establish and expand presence in decision er circles, to take advantage of the support of mentors and success models to learn. Women should be not too good, to take a career opportunity, even if it is the result of a quota system. False modesty or principled stand are not career catalyst”, so that Change expert said. Second women simply need strength to prevail in internal power struggles. This means that it is not enough merely to accumulate knowledge.

Rather, it is crucial that women apply their knowledge in practice, and continually expand this their competences and their area of influence. By the same author: Morris Invest. Restraint is out of place. Confident to face the competition for positions and influence, not only to keep power struggles, but also to win, are the requirements for career-oriented women. And learn from defeats is a key prerequisite of all the talents willing to climb,”says Claudia Schmidt. Thirdly, women need a high degree of mental endurance, if they want to succeed in the top management of a company. To reach but only enduring motivation, adopting realistic goals and followed it step by step. Only long-term success is possible.

Fourthly, the right inner attitude influenced the career success: attitude, self confidence and a strong will are the basis for a successful career in management. Women must want to win and believe in the victory, to get ahead professionally. The competition is tough and who can best bring their skills and most want the victory to win at the end,”says Claudia Schmidt from Mutaree. About the Mutaree GmbH: The Mutaree GmbH is a specialist in change management. The services include the planning and control of processes of change, as well as the implementation support to achieve the objectives of the change. Where is the human being always at the Center. Mutaree advises clients from various industries: banks and insurance, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, energy, healthcare, telecommunications, public administration and tourism. The Mutaree GmbH is a member of the Federal German management consultant Association (BDU). Press contact: Simone Kohrs corporate communications Mutaree GmbH of high bleach 19 20354 Hamburg Tel: + 49 40 325779 55 E-mail:

German Federal Foundation

“Fraunhofer Professorship as an organizer of the Conference to the BMBF funding programme ‘Vocational education export by German providers’ Leipzig, 09.10.2013 the Fraunhofer MOEZ held within the Metaprojekts funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) driving and inhibiting factors of professional education export” on 17 October 2013 in Berlin the annual Conference of the vocational education exporters. At the Conference, representatives from policy and research come together in addition to numerous professional education service providers. “” In the framework of the Conference the actors in the three topic areas want export of German vocational education and training – support services and strengthening “, business models for a sustainable market development” and application-oriented science for the vocational education export”and others discuss flagship projects, challenges and approaches of the German vocational education exports.

MinDir will give a lecture as keynote speaker. Volker Rieke, head of Department for European and international cooperation in education and Research in the BMBF, the role of the German vocational education exports. Professor Dr. Thorsten Posselt, head of the Institute of the Fraunhofer MOEZ, will open the annual Conference and present results from the meta of the funding initiative. Talk to Dr. Nizar Abdelkafi, head of the Group business models and services at the Fraunhofer MOEZ, is main topic of business models for a sustainable market operations”to specific business models for the vocational education export. Focusing the support professional education export German party”that supports BMBF joint projects that advance a development of innovative ways of export for demand-oriented education and training services. The Fraunhofer MOEZ performs in 2011 on behalf of the Federal Ministry for education and research (BMBF) the meta to the funding programme. An important goal of the project is to support the professional educators in developing foreign markets. This involves both the scientific analysis and professional Preparation of the findings from the vocational education export as also the Organization of mutual learning and exchange of experience.

The Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ has proven skills in the area of innovation and technology management, strategy development and research marketing and develops scientifically-based, holistic potential analysis on the conception and implementation of the concrete project and business models and network activities through knowledge and technology transfer. Currently, approximately 40 full time employees of the Fraunhofer MOEZ edit including projects within the framework of the 7th research framework programme of the European Union, projects of the Federal Ministry for education and research, the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, the German Federal Foundation environment, projects for companies, in particular small and medium-sized firms, etc. The Fraunhofer MOEZ is an Institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Research for practice is the central task of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The 1949 based Research organisation operates application-oriented research for the benefit of the economy and to the benefit of society. Contract partners and clients are industrial and service companies and the public sector. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates more than 80 research institutions, of which 60 institutions in Germany.

The Catholics

50% residual quantity with which society must live. Their (low tech) profession – life-sense is the working bees! Soldiers watch over them to protect the elite. Basic education to fill out application to a Hartz 4. For more information see The Related Companies. Money for alcohol and cigarettes includes Hartz 4 for children. It is intensely supported by Kindergartens and schools (sorting for elementary school students: auxiliary work and Hartz 4).

“” Labour offices: what the industry needs? “instead of what angle has the young man?” “Then follow part public companies such as Chamber of Commerce/DIHT with trade unions, RKW and REFA etc. etc.: the man must be compatible with the machine and is part of the Assembly line!” (Machinery) Special purpose entity (target) instead of (human) sense-orientation (reason)! The Catholics were so honest and once required people with minimal education: the Bible (basic form german) should read and decipher his payslip range! According to the mirror 2009, industrial growth, instead of development in the human interest, from Europe to Asia shifted in the next 50 years. Africa, Arabia and South America past. As a result, millions of the unemployed in the EU. The European age pyramid – still the (intended) intelligence problem of German elementary school students remain ineffective. Integration is a security issue. We remember: as 1990 East of Germany was assigned to the West German industries to maximum 60% were utilised. Why did the East German industry? Because even the additional supply of 17 million East German learning our industry only to approximately 96% weighed out! 17 million were superfluous as workers first! 2010 global it produced in the first manufacturing market.

It is played in the secondary trading market to stock exchanges and banks 2010 global and ver-plays and thus already a cog higher worldwide turnover achieved. Here a takes worker a few seconds on the Internet tax-free! Cui bono (who uses it?)? The elite (10%; Politicians, bankers, lawyers, tax experts) of the respective global companies! Today, the money rule has about 90% of the nation’s wealth. Education protects against unemployment!”a vocational training everyone needs, because not enough (German) workers demand there will be for the future job offers!” Euphemistic statements and political correctness of our elected representatives to the German Sovereign: His (elective) people. Everyone knows these talk- blow. We remember the images of the America earlier decades: slums! If we fail to change the growth to the development, it looks too soon in Europe! There is enough money! It is only wrong distributed! Thanks to globalization: Brave new world. Wolfgang Schwalm (text forge online.de)

New Win-win-win Sales Model Of The Eagle Group

Interested parties can at the eagle-start group with the operating one finished and customisable shop system with nationwide distribution of fun, fitness, and wellness products. Ulm, 07.12.2009 punctually at the start of Christmas business the company launches eagle-group headquartered in Langenau (near Ulm) their new distribution model. Products from the areas of fun, fitness and wellness, which do not exist at each “corner”, be recommended already for several months in the win-win model from customer to customer. The referral program is simple: each customer gets when you purchase a product automatically 5 personalized referral coupons. He gives such a voucher an interested prospect, and this to redeem the gift certificate in the shop, this new customer receives a discount of 5 euros. The advertisers customer receives a recommendation thanks amounting to approximately 10% of the redeemed sale price. In the past, more and more customers wanted to recruit more new customers, to build up an extra income. She developed from this demand out Eagle-group the new win-win-win distribution model.

The new so-called Homestorepartner receives a completely ready Internet-shop system for a one-time registration fee in the amount of 49,-euros plus VAT. To pass on to interested parties, the new Homestorepartner gets provides access to its personalized shop system. All transactions that can be made about this, are settled via the new Homestorepartner. The eagle-group takes over the selection of goods, purchasing goods, the presentation of the goods in the shop, the storage of goods, the ordering, the customer hotline, shipping and customer service. Administrative access, various administrative and evaluation tools are the Homestorepartner available. Regardless of time and place, the Homestorepartner can build so his federal-wide business and control. Very interesting: The customer advertises customer system continues to apply also for the customers of the new partner. Belongs to the benefiting then: the Homestorepartner, the advertising customer and the referred customer. So win-win-win. An expansion in the German-speaking countries is already in planning.

Transactional Analysis

People who take their personality development important are right in the three-year course in transactional analysis St. Gall, 11th 2013: by Eric Berne founded transactional analysis is a doctrine, which deals with the human psyche. Stephen M. Ross recognizes the significance of this. Especially between human communication is an essential component, which will be trained within the training in transactional analysis. Transactional analysis is a psychology which deals with the hidden patterns of the people inside and sees each person as their own responsibility for his thinking, Act, and feel. A 3-year basic training in transactional analysis is therefore particularly suitable are located in professions, interested in where other people professional psychological help offering. It doesn’t matter whether the assistants or helpers work in stationary or in open institutions. It’s also clients undergoing gall, at the Institute of ASTA for example a partner consulting in St., to recommend on a three-day introductory course in Transactional analysis to take part. Interested candidates for a 3-year training in transactional analysis, participation in a three-day introductory course is prerequisite,”explains Institute Director of the Training Institute for systemic transactional analysis Jurg Grundlehner ASTA.

By means of theoretical examples, one can recognize limitations in daily life and obtain changes step by step. Using transactional analysis, it is possible to implement the theory of the behavior of the people among themselves in the Act. Greenberg Traurig contains valuable tech resources. This happens at practical examples between two individuals or smaller groups, at the direct level of interpersonal relations. With the self-awareness exercises several possibilities each, to meet itself, but also its partner and to assess. The transactional analysis is therefore also essential part of partner consulting in St. Gallen and helps to understand what in himself and in his partner, or in the common relationship expires”, explains Grundlehner, also expert in the topic of team development in St. Gallen. In a three-day introductory seminar, the main theories of the TA are passed.

Managing Director

Team training in the course of time what has the hype of high-wire garden changed since? Outdoor is in? Adventure and team spirit with targeted team development have companies the possibility to improve the cooperation of their staff, to develop a common goal, or resolve conflicts. New ground is broken in the seminar. Especially the experience-oriented team building seminars are according to Gunther math, Managing Director of the company careercenter “in Linz, still very much busy. This trend, we have for a long time, has widened in recent years. A few years ago, it has even more to incentives. Now more emphasis is back on the transfer seminar content into everyday work.” When booking a team training is set to begin, what content should be transported.

It needs a clear mandate and a clear goal. In the implementation of the combination of Indoorparts and experience exercises have proven according to math especially. The Range of different trainings is great. In addition to high ropes course, sailing turns, climbing, canyoning, rafting, orientation hiking, or coaching in the midst of Wild Wolves, new ground is broken in the segment of the outdoor modules, stressed Gunther math: many teams are already familiar with the classics from the seminar area. Companies which place emphasis on human resources development and put on team training, organize a team training with their teams annually or every two years. You need more new exercises and thematic areas. Even if each exercise brings a different output with other people, time each acid Lake and each Spider Web is somewhat monotonous and boring after the fifth. For us, a classic team training is a good mix of knowledge inputs, educational experience team exercises, and a workshop to one of the new themes such as movement, nutrition, cooking, orientation walk, wine seminar, etc.” Currently, there is a strong trend toward the raft.

That right is excellent as seminar-side-event with followed by reflection and preparation. Inventiveness and creativity, meaningful work distribution in the team, joint tackling deny are important aspects. In addition staff as a team meet in an unbiased environment, free of resulting rules of conduct and habits. And the fun factor is not too short. By highly trained coaches who implement the exercises exactly at the right time with a lot of experience and empathy, a successful seminar results”, explains math. For the future directions are emerging in the field of team training. One outdoor team trainings are increasingly combined with seminar content and on the other hand, an increasing health awareness is registered with the content.