The Property

Clutching his heart pause lasted a full minute. – So it was you, Holy Father, 'rasped Vorobyaninov,-hunting for my property? With these words Vorobyaninov holy father kicked his foot in the thigh. Father Fyodor contrived and maliciously kicked leader in the groin so that he bent over. – It's not your property. – Whose is it? – Not yours. – Whose is it? – Not yours, not yours. – Whose is whose? – Not yours. Hissing as they frantically kicked.

– Whose is it property? – cried the leader, plunging his foot in the belly of the Holy Father. Overcoming the pain, the Holy Father said firmly: – This is a nationalized property. – Nationalized? – Yes, yes, nationalized. They spoke with such extraordinary rapidity that the words flowed together. – Who nationalized? – Soviets! Soviet power! – By what authority? – Workers' power.

– Ah-ah-ah! ..- Said Vorobyaninov ledeneya.Vlastyu workers and peasants? – Yes-ah, sir! – Mm-m! .. So, maybe you, Holy Father, the party? – M-maybe? Here Vorobyaninov broke down and cried out 'can be! " juicy spit in the face of a good father, Fyodor. Father Fedor once spat in the face of Hippolytus Matveevich and also fell. There was nothing to wipe saliva: the hands were busy with a chair. Vorobyaninov made a noise of a door opening and pushed with all his might the enemy chair. The enemy fell, dragging a breathless Vorobyaninov. Fighting continued on the ground. Suddenly there was a crackling, broken off at once both front legs.

Property Taxpayers

It says a lot. And these things edition – not his property, and property taxpayers, because it is funded by the publication of the regional budget. And chooses to publish the works of master exclusively for the personal devotion of an author to himself, the beloved. So much for caring about the future Kuban literature … I note that the famous writer – does not mean a good writer. And one more not less important issue. I would say one of the most important: the Kuban no criticism. That is a topic for discussion – a living, literature is valid, and to review, discuss it to no one.

Is not it nonsense? All pretend to like – if so be it. You may think we have nothing and nobody to discuss it. Eugene and Paul: Our most critical parameters of this scared as hell of incense. Can you imagine a lifetime of praise, praised to the skies, and suddenly someone takes and evaluate their work professionally. Extra headache. And what's the use? Write in a different way, they still have not become, and did not know how, and to meet the requirements of literature today – the same as that re-born. And then, without criticism is more convenient, and most importantly – safer.

So you will not find it, and the local literary publication. And where to look? Magazine "Native Kuban" – is still unreadable. Designed for a narrow circle of readers fixated on Orthodox ethnic theme. Probably because he is such a joyless and one-sided.