Come To Go – Expect Interim Manager Fees And Increase Orders For 2011

Manager on time Dusseldorf/Munster, consulting industry make life difficult, December 6, 2010 – you are managers at time. You are aiming to go back. And they act in a growing market: the Interim Manager. The holding company of German interim interviewed around 300 colleagues management (DDIM) on the current market situation. In 2011, the sector expects rising fees and more jobs. Companies are therefore increasingly looking Interim Manager, who master especially for demanding processes of transformation, restructuring, large IT projects and business enhancements. Since the second quarter of 2010 the demand attracts extremely managers after interim”, explains Jens Christophers, CEO of DDIM, the positive development. We see that need many companies newly set up after the economic crisis and continue to develop and for external expertise and additional management resources on time in the company get.

Also our market survey results show that.” The expectations for 2011 are therefore significantly higher than previous years. Nearly two-thirds of the managers surveyed see a significant improvement for the usage possibilities of interim managers in the coming year. Experts consider interim management as one of the most innovative tools of corporate governance, to bring external expertise quickly and accurately in enterprises”, the CIO magazine analyzed the current development. Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash, considers the use of interim managers an opportunity to break up encrusted structures and to more flexibility within a company. If additional work is due to a new project, it is necessary to use external specialists. They are available immediately and must not be sought through a lengthy recruitment procedures in the personnel market”, so the experience of Nadolski. The interim manager would also used often in times of internal reorganization.

Generally grow in the proportion of activities which limited are modern economies. Here, a network of freelance workers who are scattered over the entire world, is becoming increasingly important”, so the conviction of the Dusseldorf staff experts. Income expectations for 2011 are very positive, according to the survey of DDIM. After a tenfold increase of turnover from 80 to 800 million euros in just eight years since 2000 a decline was in the crisis year 2009. For 2010 and 2011, the industry in addition to an increasing number of projects also anticipates increasing day rates. In particular three-fourths of the managers look forward to more project orders and thus a higher load for 2011. However, only 6 percent of those polled expect a deterioration in the market development. 2009, after all, still 22 percent saw black for 2010 a significant proportion of the orders will hunt down the interim manager’s advisers’ forecast DDIM CEO Christophers. Companies do not want analysis and advisory papers. rather sustainable concepts are in demand indeed implemented managers experienced interim in the company”. The priorities of the interim management assignments were 2009 in machine and plant construction (41.9 percent, 2008: 35.1 percent), as well as in the automotive and supplier industry (33%, 2008: 33.4 percent). Less demand, Interim Manager were, however, banks (2009: 6.5%, 2008: 11.1 per cent). Trade and consumer goods industry brought less Interim Manager in house (2009: 18.4%, 2008: 23.6%). External executives were used primarily to process optimization and yield, as well as for the bridging of vacancies, also in the area of merger. Especially on Board of Directors and Managing Director level manager took interim, and rising. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail: