Commission Mortgage

The mortgage is a mortgage granted as temporary financing and with the guarantee of a future income of the borrower or deutor. This type of financial product is used by people who need to purchase a new property and do not have the time required to sell your current home in optimal conditions. The House on property mortgage, avoiding a loan with waiting for a time (one year for example) by the financial institution and personal, so that the client sold the House and be able to restructure the situation with the mortgage loan you eventually need. Financial institutions not are promoting these products much at the moment since the risk is very high until the pending sale materializes.Mortgage bridge is requested when the customer expects to receive a relevant entry, and typically provides both homes as mortgage. The advantages and disadvantages that we can find in bridge mortgages are: ventaja:seguridad in the purchase of the home you want to buy, by signing, you don’t have to hastily sell your current housing, pay a fee comfortable from the beginning. DISADVANTAGES: There is a risk not to sell your current home, the overall costs of the operation are greater than if hicieras change without this kind of help financial, speculative danger due to a strong revalorarizacion of real estate prices. If the customer does not meet as agreed with the Bank, the entity overwhelms homes appearing as a guarantee of the debt incurred.

So the share of the loan during the period in which it is not sold is not excessive offers the possibility of a fee initial retail or even do not pay fee for a period. This type of loan is canceled one time has received new housing.At that time, the client accesses a mortgage bridge and of the property purchase price is paid. Some of the best mortgages bridge that incorporate special conditions for the change of House are as follows: entidad:oficina Directa.