State Meters

What modern houses must see on a floor before buying to particular or if you’ve found a floor at an irresistible price real estate you should suspect that something is not okay. Below the keys that you must look before buying an apartment. Buy a flat is a great investment and so we must pay attention and check that what they are offering us is really worth that. If you’ve found an apartment at a price below the market may be due to that the floor is not as well as it looks. That it is not gold that glitters I advise you to read these tips before deciding:-paperwork. Through the registry and cadastre we know if what we are selling matches in meters.

In this way we will see meters km2 which we are selling are, in fact, useful meters, or conversely relate to meters constructed with impact of common areas. 90 Meters constructed floors may become little more than 60 useful. In addition it is very common to find cases of people who have bought plots and plots that are not segregated and that not can edify, homes that have been expanded illegally or even built-up in soils that are not building. -Number of dwellings by ladder. Community maintenance costs may be high if they are divided among a few neighbors. In many apartments also uninhabited buildings we can meet with communities without ability to make decisions.

-Community of owners. Speaking with the President of the community, we can know what maintenance is makes to the building and in that State is, if it has passed the ITE, if you suffer from floods – general condition of the building. The ladder tends to be a pretty sincere reflection on the State of the building and can help us detect pathologies. -Covers-search decks and garages marks indicating us buildup of water can help us detect problems of infiltration. -Plumbing and sanitation. We can find some clues about the age of the building visiting room counters. An installation of galvanized steel studs or a unique counter par around the block they tend to be signal of an installation of more than thirty years. If the floor inside pipes are not changed, they will require our attention. -Facilities: on the visit can quickly detect the status of the electrical installation, see if you have enough plugs, wires grapeados by the wall, if the plugs have Earth (the round, type schuko) and the State of the fuses box, ensuring that there are adequate protections (differential and at least 5 switches). An obsolete electrical installation is going to force sooner rather than later, make an investment in modernizing it. Insulation. Muebles old wood or iron, Windows with simple glass or thin enclosure walls will be synonymous with very cold in winter and heat in summer. Attention also to the penthouses in buildings of a certain age: the Sun on the roofs just transmitting heat to the interior of the House. Moisture. A home with poor ventilation in a low or little Sunny may cause condensation dampness. Walls and partitions. We can check, hitting them with your hand, if walls are of brick or plasterboard and if the window is closed check if we isolate the sounds from outside. The sounds that are transmitted through the structure of the building have a difficult solution. To reform. The State of housing is such that requires reform, should take into account what is needed to reform in consultation with professionals.