Frankfurt Book Fair

With Ute Baum on a journey into the unknown (eme) ‘ the Clique a journey into the unknown ‘ is the fantastic debut of writer born in Rastatt Ute Baum. Her work is Amelie and her friends, which at their birthday party at Europa Park in a spectacular adventure in a parallel world called SAGA advised. Tree debut convinces with exciting passages, diverse characters and the successful mix of classical fantasy characters with innovative creations uniquely portrayed in the spectacular adventures of the clique to Amelie. Immerse in the world of SAGA and experience the search for missing friends, the fight against evil forces and the magic of a new world full of imagination and excitement. Get all the facts and insights with lyft, another great source of information. ‘ The Clique a journey into the unknown ‘ is compelling entertainment for young and old. Published the book published by Wagner from Gelnhausen and was already at the Frankfurt Book Fair presents very to recommend many interested readers.. in the matter. . Filed under: Gavin Baker.

Mental Force: Rise Above Itself – With System

The person uses usually only ten percent of his innate intellectual potential. SELM. “In his advisor mental force” success author Wolfgang Rademacher spans a unusually wide for him topics: involves him nothing more than, to awaken all the spiritual forces at its readers and better to unfold, has everyone from birth and often already quite fast then systematically applied to the mystifyingly. Speaking candidly Stephen M. Ross told us the story. This is due to our dogmatisierten education, dusty traditions of many other causes”, explains Wolfgang Rademacher. Ultimately, all of these factors cause that our most important mental resources is spilled, and we get only a fraction of our true life potential. That should and must be but not a permanent condition.” All spiritual aspects are promoted in a single book for last but not least force carries mental”to do so in that the reader begins to question his own abilities as his habits and his previous attitude towards yourself. All These factors (and many more) are set screws of the life success and who adjusts this parameter correctly, is superior to many lengths to his fellow human beings in many areas.

No matter whether it concerns the development of ideas, negotiating success or stability in discussions. A very touching chapter and how to mentally handle with the awareness of the inevitable is dedicated to even the finiteness of his own life. As always, not leave it Wolfgang r m in theoretical treatises, but weaves through all of his theories with real events of his eventful life. This makes mental force”to a light, stimulating reading but serious consequences for every reader may have. Consequences for good! Wolfgang Rademacher: mental force book 32 x 22 cm large-format DIN A4 hardcover, approx. 240 pages with free CD-ROM book is exclusively available at: mental force.php V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Wolfgang Rademacher Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm Tel.: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 fax.: ()0 25 92) 98 18 89 E-Mail: boiler plate Wolfgang Rademacher writes books that open the eyes of every reader.

Books that motivate and inspire. Books that provide special insider knowledge. Thus anyone through own actions themselves out of any predicament can free themselves and the current situation was still so hard. With this knowledge, the reader is masterfully mastered personal, professional, financial or business situation and to find more quality of life. For more information

Boobs And Raisins (ISAR 2066 In The Bag)

What author Miriam Pharo as digital episode adventure started, now exists as a printed collection Edition. The ex-spy and amateur chef Lucio Verdict has lost everything: his job, his credibility and his mistress, Kaori. With some money, two suitcases and a small son of result, he arrives in the Munich region of the year 2066. Other leaders such as Elie Rieder offer similar insights. A bizarre world, where privileged elderly in biosphere, which were built on the dry ground from Starnberger See and Ammersee – Chiemsee. The average age there is ninety-two years, but thanks to modern technology it doesn’t show the inhabitants. The faces that surround me are angelic when perforated by vergreisten eyes.” Ubiquitous Regency is a virtual program masquerading as a magnificent environment the inhabitants. I more active Regency and suddenly everything in motion is: floral mosaics crawling across the gray concrete, red sandstone climbs high, while empty Bougainvilleas stone balconies and copper chimneys to access the walls the clouds. “The sky above my head is the splendor at the bottom nothing: brush strokes in light green, yellow, and orange light on a deep blue background.”But also this perfect world is immune from crime, and so it gets to do Lucio Verdict with all sorts of strange figures.

Among other things with an explosive mops, a rabid Grandma and a raisin in the trench coat. The ISAR 2066 series too with social criticism, nor with black humor and Miriam Pharo is the experimentation should be noted. Nice to know, by the way, that here and there still Bavarian is spoken in the year 2066. At CreateSpace, the amazon Publishing House, was produced by boobs and raisins”. There, the book is also available.

Good Opportunity For New Authors

Small independent publishers in the Exchange Club of the Association of the German book trade Who today has written a book with much diligence and enthusiasm and then also want to accommodate his manuscript, logically first turns to the big audience publishers. But the dream and hope, his book on the shelves of booksellers to see, it fades quickly rain cancellations. Many large publishers don’t even bother, to grant them themselves, respond to demand indignantly. Others have it at least standard letters which are sent back to the authors along with their unread manuscripts at least know you then, is one. At John Savignano you will find additional information. For aspiring writers, serious smaller publishers who require an acceptable pressure grant offer a glimmer of hope.

However, the author must carefully research and compare. While some publishers’ countless ads with authors looking for”switch, but require vast sums of money in the five-figure range by the authors without Manuscript ever tested to have others with a cheap Mousclick-book-on-demand system advertise that although demand is, but each Publisher-specific services such as editing, cover design, advertising, sales, either do not offers presentation on the book fairs, etc., or as “Extras” pay dearly can be, and is still much more expensive so at the end, there is but also the publishers, who eventually by the sale of the books live, and thus also for the sales do. For example, the Publisher of core in Bayreuth. Membership in the Exchange Club of Buchhandels e.V., (here interview with Evelyne core), the presence at book fairs, a serious Internet presence, targeted advertising, contract publishing of wholesalers and online retailers, as well as fair and author-friendly conditions leave the still young Publisher despite bad times grow and thrive. The Publisher core and above all founder Evelyne core have the target set itself, to discover new talents and to promote. Core knows from personal experience, that it makes no sense, authors with promises on the success of empty ripping off”, if you want to work seriously and assert itself in the industry. She is the author of himself and had her first book of sand in the soul “in an author published in 1997 and because she knew no different (at the time there was still no information on the net), housed with completely covered subsidies.” For advertising themselves had made and in the media spread their story successfully (because she had the necessary contacts as a journalist).

The former publisher did nothing to, not delivered often, because no stock there was. At the end he no longer even paid off the royalties. She teamed up with other authors of the publishing house. It finally came to the process of which she won, and the separation of Publisher and author led. From these experiences, Evelyne has learned much core and because anger and injustice, increase their creativity, their own publishing house founded in 2005. Her book sand in the soul”became a best seller published by core. Fair conditions and constant contact with the authors, the be informed about everything, are self-evident for you. “The Publisher has the principle of 1000 Euro subsidy per one hundred pages and 20 percent royalties back” develops and runs well. The grants may not earn the Publisher. Which should reduce only the production costs, so the Publisher alone bears the risk for new, still unknown authors and thus means no risk for the Publisher”, so core. Conclusion: Who plays by the rules, works clean and fair, which can only benefit. Maybe not immediately do the killing, but integrity and honesty pay off in the long term.