
No seller voluntarily sold his real estate there are countless reasons why real estate, whether sold by the finance through divorce or death up to the professional relocation or health problems. Why is s involved in the rarest cases k i broker in the sale process n? Private vendors never voluntarily sell, the sale is always accompanied with problems. Usually need to or want to sell or change private seller from any of the following reasons: money/finance family (such as divorce, death) health professional improving/increasing/decreasing the half of all private sales in Germany is made without the intervention of a broker. The reasons for this are: I want to save me the Commission! (Money) The best, I know my own House! (Ego) Is totally easy! (lack of knowledge) I get out the highest price yourself eh! (Money) Agents get lot of money and doing nothing anyway! (Image) This results in the following problem statement: -. Uncertainty in the pricing for the object that is marketable? Giving away money or no chance on interested parties due to high prices? -Difficult qualification of prospective it is tourist or real prospect? -Time/availability is not to ensure – too many emotions in the game the biggest problem! Private sellers see the buyer as an enemy”, because he takes away often the most expensive and love them from their point of view, what they have created themselves. -Helpless in dien financing possibilities of the prospective buyers, which introduces itself to the interested party, reputable and trustworthy? What is the current interest rate and what funding opportunities can be used if necessary? -Lack of legal certainty pre-contract? Binding handshake? Deposit? Deal – too little security at the negotiations how objections or keep visitors happy?”- difficulty with advertising as are documents properly prepared? The decision will finally rule at home hit. -Hidden Advisor affect seller in the background, often without real expertise. -Difficulties with the authorities when and where? Land, insurance and co: What works how? Oliver Hundt