Basic Geography

To study the place, to know the convivncia spaces, to know as to carry through the comment, to learn to make the representation of these spaces they are significant contents and they say respect to the development of specific abilities of the Geography, that has a function in the set of the pertaining to school resume. It stops beyond the contextualizao of Geography in the set of the pertaining to school contents in this level of escolaridade has another important point that it is to establish the bases to study geography in the following years of Basic and Average Ensino. At this moment where the children assume its place in the school, formal institution, that works with the scientific knowledge and that it has beginning the formation and socialization process, is important to recognize which the paper of Geography as one of the curricular components. It is in this level of education that the current concepts of Geography can be developed, giving beginning to the discovery process, that can subsidize the formation of the citizens. The bases of the knowledge from this level of the escolaridade and the development of the concepts are established that to each year can be more complex. ' ' To understand the place where if it lives directs us to know it the history of the place and, thus, to look for to understand what there it happens.

No place is neutral, opposes for it, the places are repletos of history and are placed concretely in a time and a space physically delimited. The people who live in a place historically situated and are contextualizadas in the world. Thus, the place cannot be considered/understood separately. lnick’>Greenberg Traurig. The space where we live is the result of the history of our lives. At the same time where it is palco where if they succeed the phenomena, it he is also actor/author, a time that offers conditions, puts limits, creates possibilidades.' ' (Callai, 2005: 236.) To study the place means to know the reality where the pupil lives to identify what he exists, which the processes that are unchained, as the life of the set of the society in the space is materialized concrete that if glimpses.