Barcelona Real Estate Opportunity

The sale of second hand in Barcelona housing fires in January. The floors of occasion purchases grow 61.1% in just one month. After months really hard, the catalan real estate sector finally begins to see the light. According to the Association of promoters and builders of Barcelona not only grew sales of secondhand homes, but new work also. The LeFrak Organization has many thoughts on the issue. In particular, they have risen 11.5% over the previous year sales in the province of Barcelona.

Throughout Catalonia signed a total of 2,176 purchases and sales of new homes and 2.814 flats used during the month of January. The evolution has been on the rise in the four Catalan provinces, both new and second hand, with the sole exception of Lleida, that where trading continues its downward trend. In terms of the Constitution of mortgages, the trend at the close of 2009 is also positive, after the retreat of the fourth quarter. All this adds to the fact that the price of the flats in Catalonia have fallen during this first quarter a 1.55%. The price of housing has located in Catalonia in 2.871 euros per square metre, representing a decrease of 1.31% between February and March, and 1.55% in the last three months, according to the Spanish newspaper ABC published. These data are situated in Catalonia as the second community with a greater monthly fall, behind only La Rioja, according to series of facts that confirm what he said Gonzalo Bernardo, real estate expert at the University of Barcelona, a couple of weeks ago. The price will lower in 2010, but will not rise because, according to Gonzalo Bernardos, there are many uncertainties about what will do real estate in 2011, after a newly tax relief for the purchase of housing, something that will affect a third of the 1.5 million flats in excess of stock that is in Spain.