Buying Property Abroad

Features of the acquisition of property abroad Source: Everyone at least once in life, wondering – how to save money accumulated depreciation of that purchase and what to invest money? And here comes a lot of us thought – what if invest in real estate? We all know the phrase – the money must work! If before Russian citizens (out of ignorance specific foreign market) acquired real estate only in their country, but now more and more of our compatriots to invest in property abroad. To date, such investment funds is not only reliable but also very profitable enterprise. Grown in recent years the material welfare of Russians can buy land and property abroad, even ordinary the average citizen. Particularly active Russians acquire real estate on the Mediterranean coast. It's no secret that prices for apartments in Moscow are high. For example, the average price of regular 1-room apartment, which requires a fairly serious repairs in the area of art. Metro 'Novoslobodskaya' averages hundred and seventy thousand euro. For this price you can buy a beautiful villa with garage and swimming pool on the beach Bulgaria in the resort of Varna.

In all, over fifty five thousand U.S. dollars to acquire an excellent villa with two bedrooms and two bathrooms in Egypt in the resort town of Hurghada. Acquisition of real estate in Europe was very popular, especially in recent years. If we turn to official statistics, this picture is very well seen. Since 2004, demand for European real estate acquisition increased by 4.5 times. A percentage of Russian citizens increased to five. The most active Russian citizens to buy property in Bulgaria, Spain, and Montenegro.

Acquisition of real estate in Europe has its own distinct advantages. However, there are several difficulties that arise from our countrymen when buying overseas property. Try to examine in more detail, both advantages and problems. Thus, the main problems: 1. Lack of knowledge of the mentality country. 2. Poor knowledge, or ignorance of foreign languages. 3. Legal, economic ignorance. 4. Distance. 5. The visa regime. All these problems are solved elementarily. Benefits you receive when purchasing real estate in Europe, do not go to any comparison with these small inconveniences. Here are just a few of them: 1. Low prices. 2. Preservation and increase (in event of a sale, lease) investment. 3. The wonderful climate, fabulous leisure facilities and accommodation. Source: