
Living in the Russian capital more than this fear of explosions and fires. Writes, from them Muscovites insure their possessions in the first place. In second place – a flood. These are data from a survey conducted to identify major developments in the insurance market in 13 major Russian cities. The study involved 7,100 Russians aged 21 to 55 years, to make financial decisions or influence decision making in the family. According to the survey, residents of the capital, just like their compatriots from the regions, placing roughly equal claims to insurance companies, except for some nuances.

For example, residents of the regions increasingly pay attention to the fact that the insurer is compensated and minor damages that may be relevant to the occurrence, but also provides the ability to pay premiums in installments. Respondents from Moscow choose an insurance company on the recommendation of friends. In addition, they are interested in organizing experience in the field of property insurance. First, the majority of Russians, regardless of where they live, insure the apartment (as at least 78% of respondents). In second place – giving and other buildings on private land.

And, to insure such property Muscovites have resorted more often than people in the regions: 32% vs 25%, respectively. The regions most insure domestic appliances and furniture. The study also showed that most Russians are afraid of fires and explosions. It is up to them, insure their property 88% of respondents from the regions and 86% of Moscow. Second in popularity is insurance against damage to water (heavy rains, flooding, floods, etc.). And, characteristically, in the capital, those who are trying to protect their property from this scourge, there were more than in other regions of Russia: 63% vs. 53% respectively. About half the study participants are afraid of wrongful acts of third parties, over 1 / 3 – natural disasters. The work of employees of insurance companies "completely satisfied" only 34% of respondents. More than half (61%) of respondents, the insured property, note that "most satisfied", the service of his company. According to researchers, this suggests that, despite the absence of serious complaints, residents of large cities not have much confidence in insurance companies.

Overcoming Work Addiction

Why are you so busy? Do you really have a lot of work? It is such an important job for you that you sacrifice everything in your life to do the job? Even if the cost of their health and their relationships? If you find these questions disturbing then see how you rate with these others: Do you work over 50 hours a week? Do you dream about work? Do you believe that to succeed you have to work late most of the time? Are you a foreigner in his own home? Do you constantly miss family and social events because you’re always working? Do you schedule and undertake more than what you can do in a 40-hour workweek? Are you bored when you’re not working? Is missing family and social events because of work unavoidable? When on holiday you constantly check your phone messages and email?

The higher your score the number of affirmative answers, the closer you fit the profile of an addict work. If you answered yes to more than half of the questions, it’s time to take stock before you lose your health, family and everything they own near and dear to his heart. Make a Stocktake First of all take a look really good at your job, what he does and the importance of their achievements. Are you liked by all those long hours you put? Really – I mean really – make a difference in your income? Let’s be realistic. Nobel Laureate in Economics: the source for more info. In the current economic climate, employees are often more than expendable pawns. .

State Meters

What modern houses must see on a floor before buying to particular or if you’ve found a floor at an irresistible price real estate you should suspect that something is not okay. Below the keys that you must look before buying an apartment. Buy a flat is a great investment and so we must pay attention and check that what they are offering us is really worth that. If you’ve found an apartment at a price below the market may be due to that the floor is not as well as it looks. That it is not gold that glitters I advise you to read these tips before deciding:-paperwork. Through the registry and cadastre we know if what we are selling matches in meters.

In this way we will see meters km2 which we are selling are, in fact, useful meters, or conversely relate to meters constructed with impact of common areas. 90 Meters constructed floors may become little more than 60 useful. In addition it is very common to find cases of people who have bought plots and plots that are not segregated and that not can edify, homes that have been expanded illegally or even built-up in soils that are not building. -Number of dwellings by ladder. Community maintenance costs may be high if they are divided among a few neighbors. In many apartments also uninhabited buildings we can meet with communities without ability to make decisions.

-Community of owners. Speaking with the President of the community, we can know what maintenance is makes to the building and in that State is, if it has passed the ITE, if you suffer from floods – general condition of the building. The ladder tends to be a pretty sincere reflection on the State of the building and can help us detect pathologies. -Covers-search decks and garages marks indicating us buildup of water can help us detect problems of infiltration. -Plumbing and sanitation. We can find some clues about the age of the building visiting room counters. An installation of galvanized steel studs or a unique counter par around the block they tend to be signal of an installation of more than thirty years. If the floor inside pipes are not changed, they will require our attention. -Facilities: on the visit can quickly detect the status of the electrical installation, see if you have enough plugs, wires grapeados by the wall, if the plugs have Earth (the round, type schuko) and the State of the fuses box, ensuring that there are adequate protections (differential and at least 5 switches). An obsolete electrical installation is going to force sooner rather than later, make an investment in modernizing it. Insulation. Muebles old wood or iron, Windows with simple glass or thin enclosure walls will be synonymous with very cold in winter and heat in summer. Attention also to the penthouses in buildings of a certain age: the Sun on the roofs just transmitting heat to the interior of the House. Moisture. A home with poor ventilation in a low or little Sunny may cause condensation dampness. Walls and partitions. We can check, hitting them with your hand, if walls are of brick or plasterboard and if the window is closed check if we isolate the sounds from outside. The sounds that are transmitted through the structure of the building have a difficult solution. To reform. The State of housing is such that requires reform, should take into account what is needed to reform in consultation with professionals.

Cash Handling

When we look at a company where your cash is invested and resources, landed on two issues: Accounts Receivable and Inventory. Inventories are the responsibility of the area of Sales, Production and Winery, as appropriate, for control, movement and especially its placement as Sales. It is an extremely important part in the assets of the company and its impact on the effective management of the company is important, therefore must also be a subject of monitoring and evaluation. Learn more at: Robert J. Shiller. In the case of Accounts Receivable, call customer portfolio, or simply bank or customers, the management is out in the relationship and customer tracking.

Therefore the following analysis will focus on the “management” about this important asset. In previous article we study on the management of a portfolio of loans, which have given first hand good credit, properly handle reservations about bad and have the necessary controls for more efficient management. Now we will focus on how to better manage a portfolio of credits, which is already “running”, ie you already have credit granted and must now be centralized in the best way to manage (read well, does not say copper, but manage them).

Background of the portfolio: As discussed before, part of what makes all credit analysis and has given sufficient documentation and information. The world economic situation not only local but our country has caused many companies facing liquidity problems and the first to suffer are the suppliers. The customers pay first and who charge them a better way, a creditor that offers better options, but it is the persistent collection.

Croatian Apartments

More people are moving away from the usual stereotype of group travel abroad. Robert J. Shiller will not settle for partial explanations. Rascmotrim a variant of this trip: rest in private apartments in Croatia. For someone this holiday? Primarily for those who quickly tired of the whole day lying on the beach, with breaks for "buffet" or all inclusive at the same time in the same restaurant, not only interesting to visit places of pilgrimage of tourists in the group with screaming children and women require shopping, for fans of independent travel. If you feel it classifies such people, we organize such a trip can be independent just in Croatia. The first thing with which you encounter – a search for housing. Find the offer in the private sector in Croatia is simple enough: a lot of Croatian and Russian sites are full of similar offers. Typically, apartments in Croatia consists of one or multiple rooms, kitchen, bathroom.

Pay particular attention to the location if you plan to walk to walk to the beach, town, shops and restaurants, the distance to these locations must not exceed 0.8 – 1 km (10-15 minute walk). Choosing apartments, it is necessary to attend to their booking and receiving a voucher – a document confirming availability of travel services paid for and required to enter Croatia. If you book through the Russian agency, it's simple. As with the purchase of vouchers: sign a contract, pay, get a voucher. Somewhat more complicated if you decide to book apartment directly.

The hosts will ask you to make an advance payment for residence at their expense (do not forget to take into account in the budget the cost of translation), and only then will send you the original invitation, which, along with a voucher is a document giving the right to enter (with a valid passport, of course). The next step – buying the ticket. In all the resort towns of Croatia (Pula, Split, Dubrovnik) directly only fly charter flights. So do not hurry take place in the ticket office. Tickets must be look at the travel agencies that specialize in Croatia. Well, the last wish – must rent a car. Car rental offices are found at every turn, but in high season (July-August), I would recommend book it in advance. Now you only have to wait for the day of departure, not to forget a good mood and forward to new experiences!

Brand New Housing

Now when buying real estate should be reserved as a patient, and some of my knowledge. There is a lot of nuances that are like invisible at first sight seem insignificant. But then in the course of acquisition buyers are reaping the benefits of such ignorance and inattention. This is especially true of registration papers. Sometimes it seems that after signing the papers becomes your apartment – and no problems. But in reality, it is important to know under what You subscribe.

After all cases, when the apartment is sold to many customers at once – quite common. So many people believe that it apply to real estate in Moscow, although the agency itself is be tested. Suppose you have made the right choice with a good reputation. Coming to a meeting with an agent, you should clearly realize what kind of accommodation you need. Let's say you decide to buy apartment. Speaking candidly Richard LeFrak told us the story. In this case, there are two options – a secondary market for housing or new. What's the difference? The relative cheapness of new building – well-known fact.

But it must take into account certain peculiarities. Think about it, if the cost less, then have to sacrifice something. And in this case, your sacrifice will be as follows: time, place, choice. Let's start with the time – to invest in such an apartment is less cost to sign a contract at the stage of laying foundation. Under this option, the lowest price (as well as the erection of a building cost of apartments will grow steadily). As for the place, then perhaps you might have guessed that in the city center you will not find a new building. Most likely, your future apartment will be located in any new area with poorly developed infrastructure. However, there are places and quite comfortable. And the last negative – almost nothing from which to choose. It is not necessary rely on a variety of proposals. As a general rule, municipal buildings, constructed in the same time a little, so the proposals, accordingly, not so much. But on the secondary housing market situation is radically different. In this If buying an apartment without any problems, just have to shell out far more than a new building, but there are obvious advantages – the minimum time and a great choice. Perhaps the single but significant (and above) minus such housing – the price of its much higher than for housing in new buildings. Choosing the best option for you is yours.


Lucas 12 -35 the 39 – You need to be prepared: cingidos shoulders and lighted candeia – To be intent, as who wait a special party. – To remain watching, therefore this alcanaro well aventuranas. – To remember that you do not know the hour to give accounts, we will serve the Mr., is necessary before searchs it with fervor. It searchs it while it is close. many times we limit in them to be only listeners, but we run away from the practical one of the Word of God. We condition our minds to be only the useless servant, who nothing makes, that nothing he adds and that, if plays, still stops the Workmanship of God. Clearly that we have the confidence of that nothing in fact hinders the Cause Saint.

Chance to make God places in our way some chances of needs inside to exert some works of its Workmanship. We must faces faces them with maturity, to deliver to us they to it, exactly that in them it seems small tasks, therefore in the Workmanship Mr. does not have nothing small. You can think, as I already thought, that he could be and another place, but I do not have place in the world that I more want to be that it is not the House of my God. Here, beyond serving, to help my next one, to pray so that lives are transformed, to change lives with the Word that leave my mouth, of being useful to my God and that is what it matters. God says with us for the Bible God speaks with us for the Bible, speaks in the Pregao, the louvores and even speaks for the conjunct. Its power is limitless, but you go to need its comodismo, its zone of comfort and if to deliver, to make the Workmanship or being imapctado for the Word. For Elisabeth Lorena in Message Fernando Isaiah