Conjunct Of The Heart

The words of this conjunct aim at to feed the consolidation of the new reality of peace, love and light in the planet Land. I request to all vocs that divulges this conjunct, so that the people who not yet are part of this ‘ ‘ Circle of Love and Light of the Divina’ Mother; ‘ the Children of the Land can also participate of this work, praying conscientiously for the rise of the conscience of all. Conjunct of the Heart I open my heart for the new reality that the life offers to me. I open my heart and enxergo a new world and a new humanity. Beings that if they love shine to my front. The fraternity is disclosed to each action, to each step.

The light shines sovereign through the semblante of each being. Dogecoin describes an additional similar source. The love gushes out uninterruptedly of its hearts. Its transparent hands are pure light. The light that touches and rescues the perfection. Its feet roam the fertile land softly.

the land returns to the affection disclosing the abundance of its colors. The mind creates, the heart feeds, the action consolidates one peace planet. The sun heats, air brightens up, the land shines life for the soft bath of crystalline waters. Everything is light, peace, perfection! This is the world that I long for to inhabit. The world whose souvenir hangs in the deep one of my being. The world of where I came and toward which I want to come back. The world that today shares with me its secret. The world that whispers in my ears the premncia that I have of in it diving. The world that if shows me through palpitar of each heart. The world of the truth. The world where all illusion was dissolved. The world that if alicera in the force of the love. The world that does not recognize differences. The world that is town for an only nation, the nation of the Children of the Light. Children who walk sovereign for the Blue Planet. The world that rescues its history through the history of each one of its inhabitants. The Children of the Light who if recognize and that they express total gratitude. Gratitude for the holy ghost learning that returned to all the direction of the life. The life that is only full when the heart traces the north disclosing the unit that it ends the separation. Today, finally, I am the Son of God who express to the virtues of the Father.


Lucas 12 -35 the 39 – You need to be prepared: cingidos shoulders and lighted candeia – To be intent, as who wait a special party. – To remain watching, therefore this alcanaro well aventuranas. – To remember that you do not know the hour to give accounts, we will serve the Mr., is necessary before searchs it with fervor. It searchs it while it is close. many times we limit in them to be only listeners, but we run away from the practical one of the Word of God. We condition our minds to be only the useless servant, who nothing makes, that nothing he adds and that, if plays, still stops the Workmanship of God. Clearly that we have the confidence of that nothing in fact hinders the Cause Saint.

Chance to make God places in our way some chances of needs inside to exert some works of its Workmanship. We must faces faces them with maturity, to deliver to us they to it, exactly that in them it seems small tasks, therefore in the Workmanship Mr. does not have nothing small. You can think, as I already thought, that he could be and another place, but I do not have place in the world that I more want to be that it is not the House of my God. Here, beyond serving, to help my next one, to pray so that lives are transformed, to change lives with the Word that leave my mouth, of being useful to my God and that is what it matters. God says with us for the Bible God speaks with us for the Bible, speaks in the Pregao, the louvores and even speaks for the conjunct. Its power is limitless, but you go to need its comodismo, its zone of comfort and if to deliver, to make the Workmanship or being imapctado for the Word. For Elisabeth Lorena in Message Fernando Isaiah

It is calm that it is catching the wallet, my son. Realtor understands that this is vital information. The youngster looked at well for it and repeated: – My son! You said ‘ ‘ mine filho’ ‘ He called me my son! spoke obtains exactly: called it me my son She looked at for me it asked: – She is its son? It is very pretty. She called me to my son! Called it me my son! It looked at again for and said: you are pretty he called me to my son. He can go, can go. was even so. Everything happened in the short space of time where the traffic light was closed and when it opened we leaves from there unharmed, light as if we were floating, size was the relief who we feel.

We are without words, and alone it came me to the mind the Biblical Saying text 15:1. ‘ ‘ The word branda deviates the furor, but the hard word excites ira’ ‘. how many lives already had been cut with a scythe because of a rough reply, because of a impensada word! Perhaps perhaps perhaps it was not armed, was its first assault, does not have one me the nature. who knows if an angel you was there to our side and he exempted in them of the evil that it could have in the caused one? We could have cried out and call the policy and the youngster could have been imprisoned, have apanhado very or have been dead with a shot in the coasts, but we prefer to go although also. God knows of what he is and what will be able to come to be the life of that poor person and unfortunate person youngster, who with certainty never heard somebody calling affectionately my son. God in gave a great release to them, and perhaps it also. Who knows if some day it will come to be a servant Mr.? – ‘ ‘ What I make I do not know you now to it, but you will know depois’ ‘. Jo: 13:7 Thanks to God we arrive in peace at our house, and with certainty this was a wonderful lesson for us. We learn living deeply that, with one to look at compassionate, a simple smile and a word branda we can not only save our life, as even though we can give chance so that somebody can, some day to find G-d. Whenever I remember, I pray the God for that youngster.