Laboring Memory

In way this process the lieutenants had appeared as object of study of innumerable works, becoming the privileged element of the interpretations of the thirty revolution. In this direction the oppositions ' ' tenentes' ' verse oligarchy, was a privileged axle of the memory of the thirty revolution, passing to be defined as the place par excellence of the reading of the historical process in course in the vintes years. At last, ghost is not only the enemy of the thirty revolution, that is, the oligarchical ones; but the agents are ghost also qualified politicians for this historical memory and the lieutenants are one of them. The proposals to firm one autoritarista, however and visible politics that in the interior of the ruling class appeared an intensification of the demands politics of other social classrooms. In this direction the PD, broken democratic did not disclose regarding any one of the revolution proposals, therefore this means the polarization in relation to some trends.

Its objective one was the definition of the citizen politician, playing in the indefinio with intention to gain time. Therefore in the order of the day and the same seio of the ruling class, it is for occupying the points keys of the society and the state. A set of weight that if locates front to a changeable set of proposals politics that if it establishes with the insatisfao of many sectors of the ruling class with urban average segments and also the proper proletariat. In this period the BOC, laboring block appeared peasant who penetrates in the parliamentary fight does not stop assuming a revolution that passed to the plaza of this activity politics. Considering a revolution that did not dissociava of the fight forms, looking for to define a direction politics for the movement of opposition to the republican party. The laboring block elaborated its strategy of fight politics, contributing for the construction of an idea of anti-oligarchical revolution, also made solid the proper historical memory, annulling the laboring classroom as agent of that revolution. Therefore, it is visible the sprouting of an analysis of the industrial bourgeoisie around the decade of thirty without judging it light of the historical memory of the revolution, searching to perceive it practises it politics of the industrials in a process that it searched to occult the conflict between the capital and the work.