Coast Pear

With the transference of the bispado one for Fishing, in the second half of the decade of 1910, the building, still unfinished, was vendido to captain Antonio David Gomes de Novaes. In 1928, the Group of Engineering of the Military Policy remodelled and concluded the building, where Battalion of the Public Force was installed 3. The main objective age to fight cangao. In the Revolution of 1930, it had shoot out inside and outside of the building, being died captain Joo Jac and the lieutenant Jose Coutinho of the Coast Pear tree. The commander, major Nlson Leobaldo, were wounded. After that Revolution, the building was disactivated.

In 1950, by initiative of the Lindaura teacher Gomes de S, the annex was constructed to shelter the activities of weaving, cut and sews, workshop of the Professional Center established by the florestana educator. Later the Pensionato of the Divine Step, located in the Square would function there Major Joo Novaes. It has the Residence of Colonel Manoel Olmpio de Menezes monument of excellent interest architectural, developed with a main body with attic forming the oito, and two small ones bodies in form of chal, the deep one of the lot. The building was constructed in 1920 for colonel Manoel Olmpio de Menezes, leadership politics of the city, having been mayor in the first decade of this century. Antonio Ferraz is located to the Street, in the center of the city. The Residence of the Dr. Joaquin Diniiz Hunter, building of excellent interest architectural, possesss the same tipolgica configuration of the residence of colonel Manoel Olmpio de Menezes. The Sobrado of the Square Major Joo Novaes, consisting of two floors and cover in four waters, with consisting rectangular plant with the same disposal in the two floors. Sobrado of interest architectural, keeps the same formal unit in the two faades directed toward the public areas.

Brazilian Lands

The place was not ugly, but he was not beautiful. It had, however, the satisfied aspect tranquilo and of who if it judges well with its luck. (Idem, 2006, p.48). Policarpo Quaresma believed the feracidade of Brazilian lands, fertile ground and climates varied, it would be with certainty the way for an easy and profitable agriculture. It was to see it, covered with a straw hat of coconut, brought alongside to a great grub hoe of handle knotted, it, small, very myopic, to give blows on blows to pull out a stubborn foot of guaximba. Its hoe more seemed one drags, a digger, that a small agricultural instrument. (Idem, 2006, P.

52) With the aid of Anastcio, its employee, who teaches to it to deal in the weeding and to use the hoe, Policarpo Quaresma with much love and taste, if dedicated to the culture of the land and lives the tranquilidade of the agricultural life. Certain day, receives the visit from the Lieutenant Antonio Dutra, who came to investigate to it on its position in the local politics, this, is unsatisfied when perceiving the indifference of Policarpo Quaresma on the subject. After almost one year of work and fight against all the misfortunes, at last, it obtains to produce some thing, however, when vender its products its profit is practically zero, Policarpo Quaresma feels in the skin the depreciation of the agricultural worker, and if of the account of that politicians little if matter with the needy life where the population lives, and if they do not interest in making reforms, therefore, the same ones only served to destroy its projects of domination politics and social it stops with the people, proper it, is test of this, when if it becomes victim you intrigue of them that the local politicians set against it for its imparcialidade with regard to the politics, for these politicians it with its ideas would be an intruder, ' ' true foreigners who if came to interfere in the particular life and politics of the curuzuense family, disturbing it to it peace and tranqilidade' '.