The Home

A storage room rental can be the best solution to save furniture and belongings while they last the works. In recent years has significantly increased the supply of such services, which have a wide variety of prices and easy access (to have your own key), besides the facilities giving you able to choose the size that most fits your needs. 5 If the comprehensive reforms in Madrid, will need to remove the residues of our housing. The most common options are rubble bags or containers that store them to remove it later. In any case, we must agree with the professional who is going to take charge of their management to know how many days we are going to do lack and the capacity that must have. 6.

The energy saving in the home is very important and more if you are going to lead to a reduction of costs on invoices. Taking advantage of the reform we can incorporate into our home systems that use renewable energy or place insulation for walls and Windows, to save on heating and air conditioning. 7. One thing is the idea that we have in the head and other infrastructure of the property. To deliver us surprises, like pipelines that we were unaware or partitions that cannot be omitted, the easiest is to analyze the structure of the dwelling in a plane. Especially if it’s old buildings that often contain numerous master walls with a structural function in the building. 8.

The different administrations are betting strong by subsidizing the reforms at home. Question on the corresponding organ in your autonomous community housing and there you will learn the steps that you must follow to apply for these grants and where to obtain them. 9. The company hire for reform may be the most professional in the world, but only you know what you want. Nothing better to know how the work progresses and have everything under control, that make a daily monitoring of the work. 10. At present there are new materials that allow you to carry out reforms much faster, as the walls of plasterboard or adhesive vinyl floors. Resistant and durable, are placed in much less time than many of the traditional materials. In the case of the painting, there are brands in the market that offer scented paintings, which replaces the traditional odor from the early days by one non-toxic scented fruit, allowing much earlier to enable the newly painted room.