Interbank Offered Rate

When there is a fall in the euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate: it is a reference to the interest rate that a Bank of principals within the European banking system, lends money to another at different times.) This would be an indicator, therefore, a price could get money a Bank (in the worst cases, i.e. attending market)). We said that the euribor drops benefit them to review your mortgage annual and semi-annual but especially who have longer mortgages (calculate cheap mortgages). However, many mortgaged dragged clauses soil, i.e. that even if lower the euribor, the interest rate that applies to the mortgage has a minimum. in this case, touch renegotiate the conditions of the mortgage. Studies of the negotiating agency banking products Cabinet offer six tips to successfully renegotiate the mortgage with the Bank.

-Subrogation is no longer so easy: with credit closing the tactic of threatening to flee to another bank that gives better conditions already is not valid (mortgage dictionary). -Avoid falling into non-payment: where you won’t have to pay a monthly fee, it is best start the negotiation as soon as possible. -Take into account the appraisals of housing: the appraisers do not want to get your fingers caught and they are pricing at a price much lower than a few years, of up to 35% or 40% less. before you negotiate anything you have to go slack on pricing, but it is impossible. -Do not be afraid of the Bank: If the record on the bench is good, do not be afraid to sit down with the director of the branch and renegotiate the terms, as lowering the soil of the mortgage.The best cheap mortgages. in exchange for more link you to the Bank – be clear what you request: in renegotiations can request extension or renewal of capital, alteration of the term or lowering of the interest differential. -If all avenues have been exhausted, must be painted as the worst possible situation: should be made to see the entity that there is much risk of non-payment and the Bank can give your arm twisting.