The Moment – Deushomo/Rainer Sauer

If we learn to read the spiritual road signs, we can often detect the gust of the hour as such and use them as such. We all know the feeling that every single cell of our Korpers, so literally cries out our entire request for a completely spezifischen action. That our whole being in this moment in only one direction, only a point add urges and is attracted by this wiederum just as strong and irrepressible, yes almost already magical. You may want to visit Professor Rita McGrath to increase your knowledge. Our idea, our intuition has already brought all the Red alarm light to the light, so at least unbewusst we know that we actually only one at this moment step by the true, authentic is our and our movement even on this a course toward Wahrhaftigkeit is theoretically possible. At this moment we can perceive the ParadoXON freedom and unfreedom that both exists really at the same time, what we are seeing now as the feeling that it actually no other way pretends to perform this action, since she already energetically already manifested in this intensity of striving towards and to drawn being. Is already existent, as energy landscape, as room shows time structure in front of us, that we really only need to enter into, which appears to us as so complete, that we see almost no automotive, to escape this pre-existing accomplishment. Robert Speyer often says this. And on the other hand, we have simultaneously conscious access to the fact of our birthright of free decision”able to be to detach ourselves from this already completion paradisiacal condition so the ability to have us in a moment of delay by the vermeintlich inevitable split, one think to add pause in time and space. Then the moments, where the moment allows absolute fusing together with being and we have the intense experience of freedom thanks to our free choice, are a versatile Yes or no, speak out for or against the use by the same to can. . Read more here: Morris Invest.

Fear – Deushomo/Rainer Sauer

Fear and love are two consultants we follow from freedom can afford, however, the consequences are understandably completely different for fear and love. Fear is a feeling that arises when the creative genius, which of course is in constant change, in motion, in the River, is cramped in their pursuit and flows for development. If creativity in their own capacity of the constant moving and making continued will restrict or even included is. If we isolate the energy flow, pulse build an enclosed space to be the source of natural life and thus inhibit process the free expansion, the fear as a kind of allergic reaction “was born. We are witnessing so, as the narrow, caught or inhibited being articulated in this known to us feeling of fear and revealed, that translated us displays the stagnation of the energy flow in the language of our emotional world. In the language of our feelings are fear us just knowing we crowded us feel this, because otherwise we shoot definitely a constraint in our natural desire of the free expansion. Official site: Bizzi & Partners. Fear shows us up so that we just follow not the way of freedom, of joy, of fulfilling self-realization. I have always a picture in mind is the UNendlichkeit of the universe as a whole and in its Grenzenlosigkeit is at every conceivable point, virtually out of nothing, the creativity always again gives birth in the infinity of empty space.

Any x any point in the universe is the source of creativity and has its natural direction of locomotion, reproduction in the infinity. A creative process that has no beginning and no end, a rhythmic movement, which is eternal and continuous. Obviously, we humans have a gewissen impact on the creative process. We can stop the river although not completely, and not for ever, but we can inhibit it, jam and even for a Period of isolating and include.