Barcelona Apartment

The company supports the fight against child poverty, in which it donates one euro of each booking, which will be made during the summer. Apartment Barcelona?one of the leading agencies for apartment rental for short & long term stays in Barcelona, participates in the project “Checking Solidario”, which was initiated by Apartur, an Association of tourism companies in Barcelona, to assist Casal del infants in the fight against child poverty. Apartment Barcelona will donate June, July and August 2013 at the project each one euro per booking made in months, that helps mothers and children 0-3 years of age are at risk of social isolation. A necessary initiative in an alarming situation that economic crisis, by the Spain is currently affected, causing a substantial increase in the need for the support of associations engaged in the fight against poverty, how does Casal dels infants. Current statistics show that one is affected by four Spanish children from poverty. With the knowledge of this alarming situation apartment Barcelona would like to contribute a part in the fight against social exclusion of the most vulnerable groups, and thus works together with other companies in this sector in the project “Checking Solidarity”. We are pleased to the necessary initiative checking solidarity”contribute to and congratulate all of our managers. In addition to responding to the urgent demand for financial support we also hope that with visitors in Barcelona this project to promote the excellent work of the Casal dels infants serves and strengthens the Tourist Association of the city with its citizens initiatives.

“, explains Sandra Roig, Marketing Manager at apartment Barcelona.” Apartment Barcelona confirmed the helpfulness of the visitors, which contribute significantly to the realization of the project with your booking the apartments. 3 decades combating of social isolation Casal dels infants of del Raval is a non-profit organization that was founded 30 years ago and so far more than 6,000 children, young people and their Could help families who are affected by economic deprivation. Through education, training or employment and construction management the Club working all people equal access to all opportunities to offer, no matter where they’re coming from and they have the launch conditions. At the moment Casal dels infants has more than 800 volunteers, the cycle of poverty in the district Raval in Barcelona and in the towns of Sant Adria de Besos, Badalona, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, salt and Tangier (Morocco) to break. About apartment Barcelona Apartment Barcelona is an online agency specialized with rentals for days, weeks, months and years, as well as to real estate for sale.

Other States

The year 2008 has the citizens and citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany abgefodert process that much. Bank failures, financial losses and losses of tax money, for example HypoRealEstate Bank, KfW bank, regional banks, triggering complaints from small investors who lost their nest egg and demanded emergency victims in Manager circles. The laws on combating such crime are present, but only they must also be applied. So but laws and regulations were decided newly conceived, rejected or after decision again failed. Tighten the belt the Germans have now learned.

Average 5 per month more was granted to pensioners and health-care reform 2009 calls for a higher post in nine out of ten cases, the contribution to 9 euros per month on average will rise for pensioners. In the new year 2009 will need to prove once, what actual impact the year 2008 will bring. It will very quickly show whether the right measures, adopted to anyone no longer with large Worry lines on the forehead or head-shaking that must consider federal world. Other States will focus their gaze on Germany and that is why all working together to ensure must provide and make every effort, not further damaging Germany’s reputation in the world. One should perhaps even look outside the box. Other countries take good and effective measures that create new opportunities for the population. However, optimism is announced, because tackling and the new start have always dominated citizens in Germany. The German rule of law and all the Germans are known for their reliability. To all this must let us measure so 2009, because expectations not only in the own population are high. The editors of Internet wishes all readers and readers a happy and prosperous 2009

UNESCO World Heritage

Call for the referendum for Tempelhof airport on June 7 that overlooks Action Alliance excited the County referendum next Sunday. Michael Paul of the Alliance: “Finally come to speak, who have a direct relationship to ‘Your’ airport as neighbors and residents”. Tempelhof airport is a place where a major foundation stone for our liberal Germany and Europe was laid. Tempelhof’s people want to get the airport just as a part of their personal history and identity – not because they want to travel there regularly. In the referendum demanded inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list opportunity permanently to preserve this historical site of the history of the world and to make a further attraction for Berlin. The Action Alliance in conjunction with the Senate contest has made extensive and constructive proposals on the future of the Airport (call for ideas). “The Alliance is convinced that the citizens and” Citizens a clear signal for the preservation of “Your” airport will be next Sunday. Michael Paul, the Action Alliance and confidant of the citizen’s initiative: we have a concept that keeps the historical place and at the same time, economic future lays the Foundation for a new airport.

The recent actions of the Senate and the Mayor are at best a sign of incompetence and arrogance. Now with this action damages are obvious.” Volker Perplies-founding member of the Alliance “the plans for development of the airport grounds make neither economically nor ecologically sense. There is neither a need after the additional residential and commercial space, yet can be Berlin here make the next billion holes. Run out of the development of this largest inner-city open space is also city climate disaster. It arises the question of whose interest the Senate here actually represents. “While the” Referendum of this time only voters from the district can vote, is now available for all of Berlin a new referendum within sight. The Action Alliance filed on April 29, 2009 the first stage around 24,500 signatures in the Senate Administration for internal affairs and sports.

Of them, the authority has confirmed now 20.741 valid signatures. In the next step the Senate must now decide on the approval of the referendum so that it comes to the second round of the signature collection and subsequent vote. This “referendum for the world heritage site of Tempelhof and greater transparency in the policy” requires not only the monument just received and a waiver of the building, there are also substantial improvements in the law on freedom of information, separation of political and supervisory board posts, disclosure of income and a liability for Senate members.