Rosita Sofia

(By the way, the quarter has this name because Real estate Engineering was constructed by the Kosmos Company and, on the basis of plant elaborated for Oscar Niemeyer.) Later, in virtue of misunderstandings inside of the Kosmos, the Comendador established the Rosita Sofia. I confess that I did not find no direct reference to the reason of Rosita, but distrust that it was a homage to the wife. It called Pink Maria Martins de Castro and the mother it, Pink Martins de Castro. Perhaps by to be Pink and son of Rose, she was known as Rosita the Portuguese has this custom to use, in the circle of personal relations, some diminutive ones in ‘ ito’ ‘ ita’ , as Anita. for being married the Comendador Sofia, probably was known as Rosita Sofia.

I consider little reasonable that was a homage to the mother-in-law. Even though according to popular Dictionary of soccer, the Rosita Sofia was practically one precursor of the bis, therefore lost for everybody in years 40 and 50, in the championships of the Independent Department of the Federacy Metropolitan of Soccer, of then the Federal District (Rio De Janeiro). , Everything is possible well, but let us agree that it would be much slyness to give to the club the name of the mother-in-law with the intention to make it a bag-of-collision.