Gusev Glass Factory

Therefore manufacturers had to find a to locate their plant. Here was built a glass factory, with him set up an art school that prepares students for cutting crystal. Landowner Nechaev-Maltsev, who belonged to the factory and the school has done a lot for the region, namely when it opened distinctive traditions, which are now carefully cherish the modern masters. When it is in Gus-Crystal originated the famous collection of Russian crystal. City received its name on the River Goose, which had been built. There is also a version that connects hydronym Goose with the Finno-Ugric languages and in this context are interpreted its importance as a river, “Fir.” The second part name reflects the professional affiliation of city residents, as well as the fact that the main branch of industry – the production and processing of glass. With such an interesting history Products Gusev Glass Factory uses popularity.

Each creation is master of this plant – a masterpiece! This you will not see and did not buy anywhere else! Products made of colorless and colored crystal, decorated with ornate patterns, out-of-cutter master. Nobel Laureate in Economics often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In Soon the factory was formed museum, where they began to accumulate brilliant products of the best masters of the plant. Now this museum is famous not only in the region, but also far beyond. And indeed, these products are unique: multilayer vases, figurines, household items Many times these items masters Gusev Plant received awards at prestigious exhibitions. All products combine the amazing grace, taste and harmony..

Real Estate Russian

Envelope with mzdoy was transferred to the capable hands of state officials and for two days our baby was decorated by our laws and it was discharged certificate of the parent capital. Surrender to the professionalism of our bureaucrats and say thank you for the first contribution to our family happiness and prosperity. For the third child for the first time we were incomprehensible to us document that we can not apply and use anywhere except in Russia and then to certain laws allowed training, repayment mortgage or real estate purchase. And we want our child to attend and had Real Estate in Western Europe, well after he grows up and gets an excellent education, and may decide to stay in Russia, we, as loving parents are not going to obstruct. By the time the "priceless piece of paper "will turn into a loaf of bread cost, as has happened many times in our country. Well, okay, what about done is done. The main thing a child is recorded in the social bodies of Russia and is written in our civil pasporta.Epilog.

By return home to the Czech Republic, yes, yes, the house we have now in this country, had to seek clarification from the Russian consulate located in Prague. Employee of the Russian Consulate on Citizenship was presented the situation obtaining capital for the parent child born in the Czech Republic with respect to personal documents for the child in social ministries in Russia. The consular officer was surprised and expressed sympathy and regret. The original birth certificate for our son was put seal of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in the Czech Republic, that the child is a citizen of Russia. In addition to this information sheet was issued, again stating that child of Russian citizens born in Prague and is a citizen .Vse members of my family have been put on temporary consular registration at our embassy, and in the passport stamp appeared the Russian Consulate. Effectiveness These stamps guess to check on the border with Russia is not likely, no desire and longing to visit our suffering. Article presented to the general court primarily for immigrants living in the Czech Republic, in order not to fall into such .ot author in 2009.