Improve Your Real Estate Photos

Attract more buyers with better photos of their real estate properties. by: Sellers of homes in the past had to have the department be seen from the street to create the first impression on potential buyers. Now, with a high percentage of home buyers starting their search for a new home online, the charm of a property is reflected in the photographs are so well online. The internet is becoming the best way to impress potential buyers immediately. When taking pictures of rooms, try to include as much of the room. In a study by the National Association of Realtors, buyers or tenants rated the pictures as the main feature used to find a new home or apartment. Real estate listings online with bad photos – or worse, no photos – buyers can overlook their property.

How do you get a good impression with your photos in real estate? If you are selling through a broker / a, find out who will photograph your home. Some agents, especially those that handle higher value properties, choose to hire professional photographers to get the best picture possible, while others choose to take the photos themselves. Look at the Web site of the agency or broker / a for an idea of the quality of photos you can expect from them. If you are selling or leasing your home without a broker / a, you also have the option of hiring a photographer to take pictures of your home. Hiring a professional can cost several hundred dollars, so this option is not good for sellers with a reduced budget.