Grinding Technology

Chipper RM-5 (and its modifications) is designed for grinding technology of waste wood chips (slab, rod, tops and trunks of wood with a diameter of 150 mm), as well as waste lumber, veneer, slab production and flaws veneer. Mechanisms of cutting and filing are combined in one package, provides a quick and easy change of cutting blades (up to 40 regrinding) and the anvil (up to 5 regrinding), the cutting mechanism has a built- sieve, which improves the grain size obtained by chipping when installing chippers RM-5 is not necessary to erect a special foundation. The resulting technology can use wood chips as fuel in mobile thermal power stations, gas generators, boilers, working at the waste wood, in the lines for the production of fuel briquettes, pellets (pellets) for the production of chipboard, wood fiber, cement particle board, wood-polymer materials, pulp, building blocks (as filler) used for smoking foods, livestock are used as litter in crop production as fertilizer. For even more opinions, read materials from Richard LeFrak. Fashion direction of landscape design is design tinted chips parks, gardens, playgrounds, summer cottages. On order chipper RM-5 can be equipped with the feed conveyor, and for removal of chips – conveyor belt or blowers, a device for sharpening knives. In chippers RM-5R and 55R RM-installed speed control for flow chip thickness variation from 5 to 1 mm. Chips after reduction feed rate (wet alder) gauge sieve gives the fraction of gost 15815-83, hole d = 50 mm and d = 25 mm chips after reducing the feed rate (dry oak), wood chips, after reducing the feed rate (wet alder) gauge sieve gives the fraction of gost 15815-83, hole d = 50 mm chips after reducing the feed rate (dry oak)

Multichannel Measuring Amps

Application in practice are often situations arise where it is necessary to obtain a normalized analog signal from the strain gauges in the vicinity of the measurement object. Thus, can be realized long-distance cable lines. This problem can best be solved by a linear measuring amplifier model 9236. Single-channel version with a high protection class (IP67) can be applied to industrial applications with harsh environmental conditions outside the control cabinet. In a multi-channel version up to four measurement channels can be installed in one housing with mounting on din rails.

This means measuring amplifiers that can be placed, or in a control cabinet or directly from the sensor. Users who want to embed instrumentation amplifier devices in their own designs or to existing circuit boards can also be ordered open-frame version of the amplifier. Integration may be accomplished by screw terminals. Model 9236 measuring amplifier is used everywhere, where output strain gauge force sensors, pressure, torque, must be converted into an analog voltage signal, such as: Automated Production Equipment Integration Laboratory measurements user equipment field measurements Description Power supply instrumentation amplifier is 15 30 =. Internal exemplary power supply with short circuit protection provides nutrition strain gauges. Input range of the amplifier corresponds to the sensor output signals between 0.5 and 30 mV / V and is also suitable for semi-conductor strain gauges. Analog output voltage can be


Wheels odnorebordnye: Mechanisms of movement are called nodes, providing, as a rule, the horizontal movement of lifting machine (crane) or part (truck). The mechanisms of movement with the rails include bridge, gantry, cantilever, gantry, tower and railway cranes, bridge cranes. For track use the mechanisms of movement of crane wheels (drive, idle). All items mechanism of movement placed on the moving frame lifting machine (crane), or truck. Mechanisms of movement of crane wheels, in turn, move along double-girder paths. The mechanism of movement is composed of motor, gear drive transmission system and chassis (Crane wheels with bush and the shaft (drive, blank) Crane wheel undercarriage mechanism of movement of the crane is one of the main parts crane machines, in addition, has the property quickly deteriorate under heavy usage. There are different types of wheels such as wheel and dvuhrebordnoe odnorebordnoe.

Crane wheels are manufactured according to gost 28648-90 Billet crane wheels are manufactured so-called method of stamping or forging. In the manufacture of the mechanism of movement of steel is used categories 65G gost 14959-79. After machining Crane alloy heat-treated (sorbitizing). Crane wheel should have a hardness of track riding from 300 to 390NV. The depth of the hardened layer up to 30 mm depending on the diameter of the wheel. Sorbitizing necessary to achieve smooth transition from the hardened metal to non-hardened metal. Heat treatment process takes place in spreyernoy setup with constant control parameters (temperature and water pressure, cooling rate).

At the moment sorbitizing crane wheels is the best method of treatment has some significant advantages compared to bulk quenching and tempering T. C., such as high durability, cushioned hub, hardening depth of 30 mm. Wheels odnorebordnye: Mechanisms of movement are called nodes, providing, as a rule, the horizontal movement of lifting machine (crane) or part (truck). The mechanisms of movement having the track include bridge, gantry, cantilever, gantry, tower and rail cranes, overhead cranes. For track use the mechanisms of movement of crane wheels (drivers, idle). All elements of the mechanism of movement placed on the moving frame lifting machine (crane), or truck. Mechanisms of movement of crane wheels, in turn, move along double-girder paths. Mechanism movement consists of an electric motor, gear drive systems, transmissions and chassis (Crane wheels with bush and the shaft (drive, blank) Crane wheel undercarriage mechanism of movement of the crane is one of the main parts of crane machines, in addition, has the property deteriorate rapidly, with heavy usage. There are different types of wheels such as wheel and dvuhrebordnoe odnorebordnoe. Crane wheel manufactured according to gost 28648-90 Blanks crane wheels are manufactured so-called method of stamping or forging. In the manufacture of the mechanism of transport shall be steel categories 65G gost 14959-79. After mechanical handling crane wheels were heat-treated (sorbitizing). Crane wheel should have a hardness of track riding from 300 to 390NV. The depth of the hardened layer up to 30 mm depending on the diameter of the wheel. Sorbitizing needed for a smooth transition from the hardened metal to non-hardened. Heat treatment process takes place in spreyernoy setup with close control of parameters (temperature and water pressure, cooling rate). At the moment sorbitizing crane wheels is the most optimal method of treatment which has some great advantages in comparison with the bulk quenching and tempering T. C., such as high durability, cushioned hub, depth quenching to 30 mm.

Wood Content

One of the properties of wood is its ability to modify its own moisture. This property is called hygroscopicity. Humidity varies depending on the environment – if the wood is wet, then dry air, it emits moisture, if the air is humid and dry wood, it takes moisture. Thanks colloidal substances in the wood cells percentage of bound moisture in her could not be more specific maximum (30%), which depends on temperature and wood species. If the total moisture content greater than this maximum, then the timber is also free water, whose volume is calculated from the ratio between the walls cells and their cavities (from 50-60 to 200-250% depending on the breed). There are so-called stable moisture content.

Her material gets, if present in the air with a steady state (temperature, humidity, etc. characteristics) in two ways – sorption and desorption. If the air condition will change, the moisture content of wood will either increase or decrease. Sorption – the absorption of moisture from the air timber. Desorption – drying and, consequently, the release of moisture in the environment. When measuring the moisture content of wood is used as an indicator of sorption hysteresis. It is derived from the difference between a stable moisture content for desorption and sorption. The value of this index is largely dependent on the sample size – about 2.5% moisture content for samples more 15h100 (ShhD).

Housing Plate Apparatus

For example, in the heater VVPI-350 the number of tubes of 97 pcs., And k values in the light pollution are 1150-3200 W / (m 2 K). The maximum value of k is limited to the maximum allowed pressure loss 50 kPa (5 meters of water. Art.) Minimum values of heat transfer coefficients are modes of ta with a small heat removal. Analysis of the data sets under consideration shows that they are in a contaminated condition characterized by the coefficient of heat transfer, which is not worse than the heat transfer coefficients of contaminated ta plate. Is of interest to compare performance of modern plate-TA for public utilities and shell and tube represented the ta. Carry out such a comparison based on vg Baron 6.

Authors articles of design of tubular heat exchanger having a body is not in the form of the casing (pipe), and as a parallelepiped that is similar to the housing plate apparatus. Others design features virtually no differ from those previously developed by the authors of ta. In the case of pipes with external diameter of 12 mm and 13.2 mm pitch (adhesive fixing in tube sheets) dimensional volume psevdoplastinchatogo ta for example 2 will be 0.133 m3, and in the case use of standard split pipes vvpi with fixing pipe welding – 0.158 m3, which is less than the mapped plate apparatus (0.19 m3). Thus, for tubular ta compactness achieved, exceeding the figure for Plate competitors, which puts an end to the dispute of constructive types of ta for municipal services – with the proper approach to the arrangement of tube bundles of shell and tube plate ta ta superior in all respects. Issued by the ta have been successfully operated in the public utilities of Novgorod, towns and villages of Novgorod, Vladimir, Tver, Tomsk, Perm Region, Republic of Mari El, Karelia and other regions of Russia, including successfully replacing the plate-TA successfully been produced replacing the TA-type pp (MF) on vvpi (PVPI) in some regions (CBM Utilities Kovrov, Paul, re Tumbotino, etc.)