Denzel Washington

Thirty years ago, solar radiation way through the protective layers of the atmosphere, destroying the entire fauna and flora. Survivors of disaster are almost primitive way of life, dreaming of one thing: clean water. Through the endless desert of destruction and decay walks a lonely wanderer Eli (Denzel Washington). He goes to the West, where, as he once said, waiting for his main value – the imposing expensive hardcover book with a cross on cover. It was her whole life looking for the ringleader of a gang of bandits Carnegie (thunderous Gary Oldman), who believes that only it has a key to the hearts of all people. When one meets another, the struggle to turn into a book deadly duel … a vague suspicion that the "Book of Eli 'is not a movie for which she posed as a trailer, the creeps from the very first minute – when a long and painful silence sloumo spent on something that shoot the white cat-sphinx huge boom. Discarded from the ranks of spectators ailurophile, Hughes brothers set about methodically destroying the hopes of all those who believe in Eli as a new mad Max.

"The Book of Eli" – a tedious unconvincing spectacle stretched to two hours, after which it will remember something special would be almost impossible. 2 short melee, siege at home of cannibals – on the larger action and eighty million dollars postapokaliptike with Denzel Washington was not enough, and this at a time when science fiction with aliens, spaceships and robots take off and over thirty. But in each of the characters is stylish sunglasses. Frustrating "Book of Eli" and what the creators of the idea was to impress and inspire. Promotion of Christian values, thin, perhaps, was even CS Lewis, and performance in this difficult matter film "Book Eli "is compared with the volume of blows both Testaments. Denzel Washington perfect fences – two minutes in total, Gary Oldman picturesque curve and lame, but the timing and the film and Eli travel from East to West the same cause only the question "Why?" and not shock the depth of thought.