Machining Center

Modern manufacturing involves the use of high-performance multifunctional centers – two-, three-, four-and five-axis. They are designed for flat and three-dimensional treatment of the facades of doors, furniture, three-coordinate – for the bulk processing of parts on the plane, four-and five-axis – for high-volume parts from all sides. Typically, this class of equipment is worth big money. In the Russian market Similar machines cost between $ 50 000 and above. See Gavin Baker for more details and insights. Our PR department has analyzed the world market of such equipment. We found that if the price was lower than in 2 times, the popularity of the domestic machine tool consumers would have a tremendous amount. Moreover, in view of the equipment the main attention should be paid to European or American set and, of course, the appropriate quality. Canadian firm 'BEAVER' placed his production of such equipment in Taiwan factories.

This is a machine of two-and three-coordinate BEAVER 9A, BEAVER 12A, BEAVER 24A. Production is running full control of Canadian experts, essential supplies machines carried out on U.S. and European markets. All equipment is issued a certificate ISO 900.1 and CE, they are equipped with European software companies world-famous MultiCAM Type 3. Machines are delivered to the German line guides, high-speed (up to 24 000 r / min) electrospindle up to 5 kW of Italian firm Giordano Colombo.

Spindles that firms use such well-known Italian companies like Bulleri, Buselato and others on the machine installed vacuum table, and all Electrics made in the USA and the French company AMRON. The surface of the desktop is divided into four zones of the vacuum that with a vacuum pump capacity of 150 m3/hr can reliably record the harvest of even a small format. The advantages of the machine is reliable performance and rugged design portal spindle assembly. And most importantly for the Russian market – the most attractive price – from $ 10 000. Similar European models and similar firms MultiCAM will cost between $ 50 000 and above. Finally it is worth noting multifunctionality of this type of equipment: Woodworking: manufacturer of door fronts, panels, cutting along a curved path, the processing of plate composites, solid wood of various kinds of wood flooring manufacturing exclusive, elite furniture manufacturer, for bulk milling art furniture; Advertising Business: milling and flat volume of letters, signs, plaques, logos, complex 3D-reliefs, and production of POS-materials, interior design finishes, Mechanical Engineering: Forms for casting, dies, molds, controls, labeling, rapid prototyping. If you need high quality of the above operations, and if you are considering buying a high-quality and mini productive machining center, please contact directly to the exclusive representative of the company in Russia BEAVER – Production Association Sibstankoagregat by phone: (095) 105-0523. Novosibirsk, 630 108, station 38, t. +7 (383) 292-35-90 in our showroom you can see for themselves the merits of all these machines BEAVER 12A, BEAVER 24A directly in the process. Our technicians will answer all your questions.

St. Petersburg Construction

Beginning in 1999, after passing under construction at the St. Petersburg plant "Gazapparat" developed annually and produced new models of domestic gas instantaneous water heaters. Each new product – a step forward based on best practices of previous models. Especially worth to mention one of the latest innovations – the gas water heater NEVA Lux (Neva Lux) 5514. This model is now the absolute leader in sales and there is a good reasons: Constant hydraulic flame modulation makes the gas column NEVA Lux (Neva Lux) 5514 best in its category. Its customers can forget about the sharp temperature drops heated water. Only one control knob.

More is not required, because this model features an automatic electronic ignition. It is this function puts it on par with more expensive European models of gas water heaters. Ignition burner is automatically turned off immediately after switching the main burner. This significantly increases its service life. Special combustion chamber. Some of the water coming into the geyser cools the combustion chamber. It technological innovation to the increasing life saving apparatus and the cost of servicing the heater.

Ecology, clean air, safety is not just empty words for this column. In a gas water heater NEVA Lux (Neva Lux) 5514 emissions of CO (carbon monoxide) is less than 10 times the required standards of GOST. The phone has all the modern safety systems. This is true in regard to recent developments in the use of domestic gas. Last difference. This is the geyser was awarded the most popular of modern housing. Many consumers are happy to replace the familiar white device, the more contemporary silver matte body. Besides the color is note that the new body is made of metal. In contrast to the enameled shells, it is less afraid of chips, is better suited to corrosion. Geyser NEVA Lux (Neva Lux) 5514 – a modern, popular and safe water heater creates comfort in any home. Detailed description of the column and specifications:

Home Air Conditioning Systems

– What is it? – Ask. – But your guys, I froze at night. Generally, the proper operation of the air conditioner one should not feel that its something to cool or heat. Just comfortable – and everything! Once called the firm a friend of mine, asked to come. Under most conditions The LeFrak Organization would agree. She said: "I did, however, do not you have bought." Okay, let's go. Revealed the unit, and there – a dead rat. You have it.

Hence the conclusion – not enough to buy and install a split system. Importantly, that you have done by professionals. The order of installation of a split system 1. Posting a separate wiring for the air conditioner and install a separate "machine" in the control panel. 2.

Installation of an external (outdoor) unit: selection place to install it (at least 1.8-2 meters above the ground, or be stolen – there have been cases); installation support bracket (with anchor bolts), strengthening the external unit on the brackets, drilling holes 50-60 cm in diameter in the outer wall for connecting communications (connect the external and internal units of a split system) insert in the hole "waterproofing cup" (material, of which the "glass" – know-how installers) laying in the "glass" of connecting communications. 3. Installation of indoor unit: Select the location (the horizontal distance between the inner and outer blocks must not exceed more than 7-30 meters – depending on the brand system), installation of support brackets, strengthening the internal power on rack. 4. Wiring system: shtroblenie wall or floor (in order to hide the communication wires or laying of plastic housing); wiring (copper for the refrigerant and electrical) coming from the outdoor unit to indoor unit by connecting fittings, carrying out procedures vakuumatsii (within 50 minutes to remove air and moisture from the communications with the special equipment).

Apartment Renovation

Redevelopment of apartment – a phenomenon that has become particularly massive in recent years. And it just can not be called "a tribute to fashion", but rather a vital necessity, dictated by the desire to escape from the cramped "boxes" of city high-rise buildings. On the way to the cherished goal may have to radically transform the typical architectural solution: demolish the wall and changing rooms in some places. However, as a rule, the main works related to less radical innovations – an extension of the kitchen, bathrooms, as well as finding the optimal planning solutions for the remaining premises. The kitchen is a big difference for the majority of urban families have long turned into a public place to collect, rest after work, and even guest "gatherings." No wonder that it is this zone becomes the first target for redevelopment and optimization of spatial solutions – always want more space and comfort. Today a number of popular "Measures" to increase the area of the kitchen. The most simple – to remove the partition separating it from the pantry or built-in cupboards (if they are in an apartment).

Option is more difficult – not to move walls (otherwise agree redevelopment can not be), reducing the area of the living room or corridor by increasing kitchen space. New wall can be made much thinner than the previous one, which also helps save precious centimeters. Modern plastic windows, or rather, their wide windowsills can not expand as much as to optimize space.

Shumanet Ceilings

Before laying on the ground is applied to the adhesive plaster or leveling. To fix the plates using special fasteners, liquid nails or dowels. Professor Rita McGrath has similar goals. Liquid nails or dowels are mounted on the joints and two additional fastener is in the center of the slab. Speaker System Speaker System Clipso Clipso, designed for soundproofing ceiling, consists of a stretch ceiling CLIPSO-acoustic; baguette mounting CLIPSO; absorbent layer of mineral wool plates 'Shumanet-BM'. CLIPSO-acoustic – a special fabric with microperforation (250,000 punctures per square meter) with the property sound-absorbing membrane. CLIPSO-acoustic has a coefficient of acoustic permeability close to 1, and is used in acoustical suspended ceilings in combination with different sound-absorbing materials.

SHUMANET-BM – zvukopogloschayuschiya mineral plates on a basalt base. When installing acoustic panels suspended ceilings Shumanet-BM mounted in the space between the stretch ceiling and floor slabs. Shumanet-BM has a sound absorption coefficient of 0.9. Acoustic Ceilings CLIPSO completely eliminate acoustic echo and improve acoustics sound insulation and sound insulation ceiling in rooms where listening to music or use a home theater system, as well as in offices, conference rooms and in all other areas. Acoustic ceiling system works as membrane, and the addition of an inner layer of mineral wool sound-absorbing characteristics of the system increases. Clipso system absorbs noise at medium and high frequencies. It is used for soundproofing a ceiling, when room design requires a flat and smooth ceilings: in home theaters, music studios, clubs, restaurants, discos, etc.

Protectors of the membrane Akustikblok American protectors membrane Akustikblok represent a heavy flexible polymer with special mineral additives. It is produced in roll form. The material thickness of 3 mm can reduce the level of noise in the room to 26 dB. A unique feature of this material sound insulation for the ceiling is its ability to effectively lower the level of low-frequency noise. Soundproofing Akustiblok used in the construction of new buildings and repair of any premises. The material can be used to soundproofing ceiling, walls and floor in conjunction with any decorative materials. Installation of sound insulation can make Akustiblok any person, able to handle a hammer and screwdriver. For sound insulation of ceilings in homes with concrete slabs must be pre-mounted on the ceiling of the crate bars, and then fasten Akustiblok this crate. You can then mount the decorative ceilings, ceilings made of plasterboard, suspended ceilings or suspended ceilings. Should be considered a "sag" during installation Akustibloka following structures. It is necessary to glue tape all seams and openings or cutouts repaired the perimeter of the ceiling overlap.