Earthquakes and Construction

Its roof and facade of the departed "to pieces" – as after an earthquake! Incidentally, the building was constructed in memory of the earthquake in 1812 by force of 8 points. A similar idea the architect made the structure of one of the most photographed in the world! There are a number of roofs that are logically complete unique in shape at home. For example, made in the form of a snake or shellfish – Nautilus (both in Mexico) wc ("House-toilet" in Korea), sax (saxophone house "in California), shoes (" House Shoes "in South Africa). Additional information at Robert J. Shiller supports this article. Incidentally, the Russians also have something to be proud of! Our talented ancestors created unique in form and content structure, which to this day continue to delight and amaze fans of ancient architecture. Suffice it to recall the Church of the Transfiguration of the world-famous architectural ensemble on the island of in Karelia. The church was built in best traditions of Russian carpenter's craft – no nails, one ax, which, as legend, the wizard threw in Lake Onega. Speaking candidly Robert J. Shiller told us the story.

37-meter high church topped with 22 chapters covered tinned iron. The shape and size of heads vary from tier to tier, which gives the structure of unique beauty and charm. Our contemporary Nikolai Sutyagin from , obsessed with a dream to see over the horizon the sea, built a wooden house height of 38 meters! Object even going to enter Guinness Book of Records as the tallest wooden building. At the same time in the house on the project only two floors, and everything above – the roof! However, this circumstance has prompted the local administration demolish the building – instead of such a structure within the framework of building codes was unreal

Colorful Windows

Colorful windows, or stained glass – a very beautiful work of art. They are made of colored glass. From ancient times, stained glass windows were used only in temples, for example, in Christian churches windows are made of thin plates, plaster or selenite, and in the Latin churches were often stained and plot were made by painting on glass. Interest in the colored boxes throughout history is fading, then revives. In Russia in 1900 first appeared stained-glass window artists who were able to create their own stained-glass windows. Prior to that, to work on a multi-colored windows invite foreign masters. Today the interest in stained glass again resumed. When construction of country houses and cottages people began to strive for originality, unique style, so it is usually the windows do not fit. Stained glass windows and arched windows are popular. Today, multi-colored box divided into several types, differing in the technology of manufacturing. Classic stained-glass windows are made from pieces of glass, between which there are walls made of metal. There are painted stained glass when the glass is applied to transparent paint. With stained-glass window film on glass glued lead tape and adhesive tape – it is a special British technology.

Color for Homes

Shades of blue are especially good for small spaces. The presence of blue color in the interior always gives the room a refinement and nobility. Blue best used in the bedroom – bed linen, sleepwear or pajama blue perfectly prepare for sleep. Pale blue suits violent and unrestrained. Yellow and orange yellow – the source of heat and light, it stimulates the intellectual abilities of man. At the physical level helps cleanse the body, the secretion of bile. In general, yellow is the opposite of negative feelings.

If you feel that you are not love, do not understand and feeling oppressed by the internal rigidities – use yellow. Orange (a mixture of yellow and red) is good for those who are difficult to accept new ideas, often falls into a state of depression and pessimism, and sees no way out of difficult situations. This color will feel free enough to break through the borders, often the only fruit of his own imagination. Very rich and intense color, so in almost pure form do not apply. These colors are more muted somewhat whitewashed by adding a little purple hues. Any combination of these colors are well suited for children's rooms. green mixture of yellow and blue.

Green is associated with development of organic life and is a symbol of growth, movement. He is most familiar to the eye does not irritate the eyes, does not cause hyperactivity or, conversely, loss of strength and often used for decoration. But since it is considered cool, he looks the best on the walls in the sun room. Bright green color can also be used in small things, if you feel the indifference, the inability to cause someone's love and bestow it to anyone. Stimulation of the green – is the development of heart in man. violet Violet has a strong influence on the spiritual state of man. Thanks to its strong Effects can you get rid of the deep fears and learn to draw from his consciousness creative force. He radiates modesty and dignity, joy and comfort. But in the interiors should only be used in combined with the warm 'life' hues (eg yellow and orange) or dilute (light, lilac) form. Black & of the clothing we use black and white. White – outgoing, black – perceiver (black hole). White – activity directed toward the outside, black – is perceived passivity. For example, people are open, cheerful, prefer light-colored clothing, closed, secretive (and the hidden complexes) are dressed in black. Interestingly the use of black in folk medicine for treating insomnia: wall paste darker wallpaper, the windows were hung heavy thick black curtains, sheets, pillowcases and shirts also were made from black material. They say that this method gave striking results – showered, even those who had not slept for several months. And finally – a few practical tips to help you to choose the color scheme of their rooms: 1. with light-colored walls of the room seem wider and higher than 2. contrasting dark walls visually narrow the room 3. ceiling will look higher when it lighter colored walls, and below, if Darker 4. wallpaper with vertical elements of the pattern make the room more than a high 5. pillows, curtains, lampshades and other tissues of contrasting with the overall color scheme, can liven things up by making the necessary diversity. 6. in children's rooms is better to use bright contrasting colors, and for elderly family members – quiet pastel shades.

Apartment Interior

There are two major functional zones: the zone of daily activity and sleep and rest area. Zone of daily activity of a city apartment includes hall, common room, kitchen and pantry. This area should be conveniently connected to the entrance of the apartment, as well as the premises where they are processed and stored foods. Go to sleep and rest area are private rooms, bathroom and toilet. Better if this area will be removed from the rest of the apartment and take the most quiet of the house. Well, when the rooms have a balcony or a veranda.

Separately taken a room, too, should be divided into zones: it will help if necessary, reschedule it to do better. Specialists in creating interior apartment long to establish rules that provide for the formation of a certain number of specialized spatial zones. And not knowing these rules, not being experts, interior designers, we intuitively realize this division. What determines the comforts of home? Why some houses do not want to live, they do not leave feeling what are you visiting? Rarely apartment interior remains constant throughout the life of the owner. Settlers spend much time and energy, landscaping his new home. Finally, everyone is happy, it seems that we have found the most optimal option plan. However, after some time there is a desire and sometimes need to update all (rearrange the furniture, something to add or replace the interior). Causes of climate change may be the most different: changes in family structure, birth, someone leaves or joins the family, children grow and mature, parents .U each family its taste, its possibilities and concepts of what is beautiful and what is not.

Home Choosing Apartment

Let's say you decide to buy flats. First things first you are viewing a particular advertisement, such as 'apartments for sale' or 'apartment in Moscow', well, or something similar. After that, find the real estate companies and start pick up his best option. Deal with the construction of the cottage at about the same situation. Need to find a construction company – a contractor, a decent raise your penthouse:).

Make your choice based on the fact that Do not confuse not only the price but the developer had feedback from other customers, as well as extensive experience in building houses. Nevertheless, in this and in another case, or when will the construction of a cottage, or immediately after the purchase of an apartment, you have one major problem: finishing flat (cottage), or even repair. And in both cases you have one solution – to turn to the professionals. If you still have built a cottage, you should in the short term search for generalists, with the following: performing all kinds of works ranging from the foundation, take stock of all communications and up to the interior premises and surrender your cottage under the key. After finishing the premises – this is one of the most important events in the creation of impressive interior of your home.

Well renovated apartment (if you do decide to buy it) – it also searches qualified professionals who are behind a great experience and can offer you a decent and innovative option repair flats. Because immediately after the repair of your apartment should be available modern and elegant interior. Do not rush into choosing a contractor, you must provide such arguments 'for' that are 100% able to convince you that the repair of an apartment you can trust this firm. Together with experts agree the interior design of your apartment. You will need to minimize your direct participation in the finishing process and rely on professionals. The firm itself is obliged to do purchase all the necessary tools and materials, as well as offer clients a range of additional services, which include the removal of construction debris immediately after repair and finish the apartment. Well, that's all professionals completed their work: repair apartments were simply excellent, and the construction of the cottage and its scope even surpassed all expectations. Now we need to: move and housewarming party to celebrate!

Interior Design Project Apartment

Major repairs, alterations, or any other drastic changes in the interior – a very important step. They do for a long time, require a lot of effort, time and financial costs. Therefore it is necessary once to make maximum effort, then to enjoy many years with the result. Sometimes, you want something new, beautiful and yet practical, but it is difficult to express warriors desire. Even harder to turn them into a specific layout, style, or idea. Clear only one thing – you want comfortable space for living, relaxing and socializing with friends. It is feasible and will help you a designer who will prepare the design project. What is a design project? Design project of a cottage or apartment consists of a range of services to create an interior designer.

Usually, it involves planning solution, preliminary proposal and working drawings. Their number in each case is determined individually, based on the customer's wishes. Help the designer to create Addressing the designer must remember one very important thing. None of the most talented professional will not be able to work without your participation. Try to describe in detail to him your tastes, habits and lifestyle. Agree, an interior for a noisy family with two children and his beloved dog, to be materially different from studio apartments for the young partygoers. Therefore, the better you and the designer will understand each other than More details will tell him about the needs of his family, the better the result. Planning decision Voice designer wishes to functional loading apartment.