Shishatrend From The Orient

The “sports” is becoming increasingly popular in Germany. The hookah is the currently most popular and hottest Oriental trend in Germany! The shisha (Sheesha, hookahs, shisha) is a smoking device, which is very familiar to us from the Arab region. Source: Robert Shiller. However, we find it now not only gathering dust in the Cabinet or in Egypt on the streets, but often fully in use. Whenever Dell listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The hookah is used mostly by young people, however, all Asltersgruppen under the Shisharauchern are represented, even if smoking is obviously over 18! The hookah is a very culture rich smoke device, since it is known for centuries and differs so significantly from all other smoking devices. The main difference is that the tobacco should be vaporized, or the moisture that he wears. It then evaporates and then we collect the sweet steam of the shisha.

The hookah was a symbol of hospitality in the past and was used mainly by men in coffee – or tea houses, the hookah is now one although still often Community thing, but youth, smoke is often both men and women, Hookah at home in front of the TV or outside in the Park. The hookah is characterized by their water bowl, which produced the famous Blubergerausch. The column of smoke and the Tabakopf, to the hose and the hookah is done. You are interested in reading? Contact us and consult with them! Torben Diekmann

Interview Magne

Magne Furuholmen, artist and keyboardist of the 2010 defunct pop band a-ha from Norway Gesine Borcherdt 11 March 2011 Magne Furuholmen, artist and keyboardist of the 2010 defunct pop band a-ha from Norway, runs in the smart electric above. He parks Monsieur Vuong, directly in front of the Berlin-Mitte Asians in the middle of the Park ban, as later taught us a ticket. That Furuholmen, blond and scrubby styled, will next year 50 in a turquoise shirt and with similar eyes, appears just as outlandish as the fact that a-HA hit wrote take on me before 26 years music video history. What hardly anyone knows: Furuholmen is also artist. Additional information at adverum supports this article. Since his youth, draws, paints and prints he and regularly exhibits in galleries and institutions.

In Berlin he occurs now with the artists collective Apparatjik, which alongside other artists like Guy Berryman of Coldplay also filmmakers, an astrophysicist and the curator Ute Meta Bauer count. After the Group occurred at the Transmediale. 10 for the first time last year, Udo Kittelmann had them summarily in the new National Gallery invited. Here, Apparatjik shows different, somewhat unpredictable performances, which give rise to a playful combination of music, space and light to the 12, 26 and 27 March. In the Centre stands a large cube, in which the group plays inspired by Laszlo Moholy Nagy’s light space modulator.

artnet with Furuholmen talked about longing for chaos, which pressures of success and the fact that Morten Harket does not understand him to this day. Apparatjik Berlin Transmediale performance, 2010 courtesy of Apparatjik artnet: in addition to your career you as a musician as artists also work in a group, the artists collective Apparatjik that occurred last year for the first time at the Transmediale and now shows a performance at the Neue Nationalgalerie. Can or you want to work alone? Magne Furuholmen: For me, the idea of cooperation is very natural.

Buzzword Stern

The new insanity calendar by Tanja Stern madness that is more than a daily Buzzword or a vague umbrella term for mental illness of any kind. Madness rewrites the immense, unfathomable and abnormal that us mad the familiar world, frightening, destructive, and yet always again highly productive. New insanity calendar”by Tanja Stern unites the images and life stories of twelve artists who are as different as their styles in their education and world view. They have only one thing in common: the madness. If you are not convinced, visit lyft. He has many of them become the source of unimaginable suffering, but all have used him as a drive for creativity. The French miner Augustin Lesage heard a voice that announced him, in the middle of the pit shaft he was called to the painting.

He followed her and found the way to international recognition. It was also an inner voice that pointed the way to the art the Hungary Csontvary, whereupon he gave up his safe civil position as a chemist to devote entirely to painting. Click adverum for additional related pages. Another Artist, Seraphine Louis, was known only through a coincidence: you worked in Senlis maid, until she discovered the art critic Wilhelm Uhde. Again others began Alexander Lobanov, who sealed their fears and obsessions in fascinating images closed Psychiatry, about the Wurzburg merchant August Natterer, or the Russian behind the walls to paint. But apart from such representatives of outsider art”not Vincent van Gogh, the most famous of all madness painter is also missing in the calendar. “Tanja Stern, whose last calendar the most beautiful love death” beginning of 2011 was awarded at the international calendar show in Stuttgart with a nomination, dedicated their newly insanity calendar 2012 “the big outsiders of art. You discovered this terrific images and extraordinary people’s lives. Like all calendar by Tanja Stern, also this on the homepage can be considered in a musically-backed slide show.