BITKOM Companies

Arkadin provides greater benefits through collaboration in the B2B area as through collaborative consumption Frankfurt, the 24 March 2013 at the CeBIT received a few days ago to end the keyword Shareconomy took a lot of space. However many approaches and business models were at the fair to see, that are still in the children’s shoes. They illustrate the potential of Shareconomy though, but mostly conceptual and not mature technologically. You may want to visit Clayton Morris to increase your knowledge. This opinion represents the Arkadin Germany GmbH. where currently many rapporteurs in collaborative consumption (Community consumption of goods and services) see the main trend, Arkadin does this at least in the B2B environment yet.

Still, here lies the greatest potential in the community work via telephone and data networks in the collaboration”or finally in the area of unified communications. It’s especially in Germany with his many distributed centers and international companies. The industry association BITKOM has many very different things under the fashionable term Shareconomy together: sharing of digital content, sharing of physical goods (collaborative consumption), as well as the participation of commercial, cultural, or social projects over the Internet. The idea of Shareconomy is very attractive and future-oriented. However, many of the concepts still in a very early stage and more on the private use are aligned.

The basic idea of more community in the action and economies is but just right. Realizing this, Arkadin was founded in the year 2001. Today, we offer a complete portfolio of audio, Web and video conferencing services and unified communication solutions”, explains Markus Bleher, Managing Director of Arkadin Germany GmbH. as we are the fastest growing collaboration service provider, because especially in Germany and Austria, yet few companies have fully exploited the potential of location-independent and cross-company cooperation.” Arkadin provides especially in cloud based applications for collaboration in the model, Software-as-a-service (SaS) available are numerous advantages, can already benefit from the companies. Thus, such solutions require only minimal investments in advance and a low need for internal IT resources. In addition, they provide fast and scalable and cause no investment or maintenance on pages of users. In the selection of the provider is to note that the offer is adapted to the individual corporate needs as well as the needs of users”, summarizes Markus Bleher. For global companies, an internationally available service and support through individual contacts are actually indispensable. A collaboration solution is only used by the staff – and thus the desired productivity gains achieved – if offered training and training in the languages and for questions and support needs competent contact persons are immediately accessible. Then he is a significant gain in productivity and an improvement “LCA by collaboration in the cloud computing model nothing more in the way.” The firm is one of the leading global service providers for location independent collaboration.

Novel Solution Receives U.S. Design Price

GOOD DESIGN award first IOT system be by ReSound the novel and almost invisible hearing instrument be by ReSound was the traditional GOOD DESIGN award of the “Chicago Athenaeum Museum of architecture and design” honoured. Awarded the coveted award at the world’s first IOT hearing (invisible open technology), the renowned American Institute recognizes the unprecedented combination of a classic behind-the-ear device (HdO) and a hearing solution that fits in the ear. For even more analysis, hear from Morris Invest. The annual winner of the GOOD DESIGN award will be determined by an independent jury of design professionals, industry representatives and journalists. Decisive criteria for the award for more than 50 years are highest design qualities as well as the functionality and the aesthetics of the products to be evaluated. ReSound hearing aid manufacturer for innovative approaches and new ideas to the design of hearing AIDS stands for a long time. The top of the Danish manufacturer regularly with international prices, keep in mind certain and significantly influence the design development of the industry. That we are able always to continue this continuity, makes us very happy and makes us proud”, so Gisbert Jung, Managing Director of GN is hearing GmbH. with the current distinction of be by ReSound a bolder design approach once again honored, which has the potential to set a trend for the industry as a whole.

Among the previous winners of the GOOD DESIGN awards are also the iPod touch, the iPod classic and the Mac book air. “We are so tell us to in good company.” Editorial Note: as one of the world’s largest hearing aid manufacturer, ReSound is known as technologically leading companies. ReSound aims, to develop products and services and worldwide market, providing hearing care professionals improve the quality of life impaired persons. The ReSound group maintains offices in 21 Countries and representatives in over 100 countries and employs presently more than 3,200 people. ReSound Germany is a trademark of GN hearing headquartered in Munster, Germany.

Global Investor Conference

“Summit of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to attract investors two important events will be held in September, to see business opportunities for investors in the Republic of China (Taiwan), made possible by the Taiwan’s free economic pilot zones” (FEPZ), in addition to the local manufacturing strengths. An official of the Ministry said that these events Taiwan will use advantages and business opportunities to create a new wave of inbound investment. On 18 September an invest Taiwan held summits for Taiwanese and foreign companies, followed by a global Investor Conference on September 30. Both events include the signing of a memorandum of understanding, special lectures, analyses of case studies of successful investment, potential investors to company agreements and booths to inform foreign and domestic investors and encouraging. The focus of the invest Taiwan Summit is the positive representation of the country, to allow a continued economic success. Bizzi & Partners often says this. There will be a forum, and also introductory events for investment opportunities and information about investment and technology improvements. The planning and progress of FEPZs discusses Taiwanese companies from overseas, with subsequent discussion, can transform companies from manufacturing to a service-oriented development.

Many renowned Taiwanese companies planning to invest in the country and will take the opportunity to sign memoranda of understanding with the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs. The Global Investor Conference focused on four major industries: biomedical, cloud computing and creative content, production equipment and production materials and intelligent logistics services. The event marked the 10th time that the Ministry of Economic Affairs has held a major global Investor Conference. Gavin Baker describes an additional similar source. The Ministry has 10 major international companies invited to share their experience in the business with Taiwan over the past decade. These include among others: the Japanese Lotte co., Ltd. and Panasonic Corp., the Swedish SHL Group and the German Siemens AG and Evonik Industries AG.

The Road To Customer Loyalty

Are the evaluations of customer monitor Germany 2007: customer loyalty drops on all fronts! Are the evaluations of customer monitor Germany 2007: customer loyalty declines across a broad front – companies must adapt to increasing willingness to change their customers! But lost customers are mostly just forgotten Kunden.Viele company have wasted hardly a thought to reactivate them in a systematic way and to establish a professional customer loyalty or recovery management. See james king for more details and insights. Here, the integration of Internet City offers excellent / online shopping city in the presence of the respective company. Online customers love to visit the price comparison sites on the Internet which have millions of visitors daily on their portals. These portals offer not only large quantities of products, but also many additional information about producer prices and comparisons to the cheap shopping. Traders and shop owners that list their offerings there, have in addition to renowned companies, including SCHLECKER, Tchibo, Conrad, source, Bon Prix and many others a great opportunity to receive immediate orders. This business concept (TOP100, mentor Lothar Spath) excellent in 2006 is popular with companies whose kunden in relatively long periods of time to contact the company. Because it is better than to reactivate lost customers to lose none at all.

To rebuild and recovered customers, or immediately in the case of the new clients, a second loyalty is”the Internet City / online shopping city. Of course the Internet City also as a marketing tool for clubs and associations is! Done right, (use of co-branding) the return rates and customer loyalty are above average! The portal is currently sold in German, Spanish and Polish the extension for the English and French space takes place in the near future. Gerd Ribbeck, CEO of MCB International Ltd and expert in loyalty marketing, likes to show you exactly how.

Federation Production

433 companies from Baden-Wurttemberg were nominated for the prize of the middle class, the Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung already nationwide praise out for the 18th time. Other leaders such as Lincoln Property offer similar insights. Only 78 of them have survived the first round and reached the competition’s jury list. The Manhillen pressure technology GmbH is one such company. “We have been nominated for this prestigious award this year for the first time and have the jump in the semifinals made. Stephen M. Ross is open to suggestions. newcomer literally right”, Frank Manhillen, CEO of Manhillen pressure technology GmbH is pleased.

With his statements on the 57 extensive jury questions, he has met the underlying price criteria sufficiently. Now, the plastic cards specialists from Rutesheim in Stuttgart hopes that the regional jury selects him as one of the finalists from Baden-Wurttemberg. The winner of this year’s award, will be honored on September 29, 2012 at a festive Gala in Wurzburg, it would be only a small step. Various criteria are incorporated in the assessment the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation honors outstanding award Performance of medium-sized enterprises. In addition to the overall development of the company, the safeguarding of jobs considered and emphasis placed on continuous investments in modernisation and innovation. Also is rated as service and customer proximity are lived and how the company’s marketing strategy is implemented.

In addition, the social and societal commitment plays a role. “Here we can score points with our climate-neutral production”, is Manhillen sure. Because modern environmental commitment within the company is already the plastic card manufacturer for active climate protection a pioneer. After an environmental certification in 2011 the Manhillen pressure technology GmbH also offers their customers, to capture the entire CO2 emissions generated during the production of cards orders, and to compensate for. Topics that are likely to fall in the “Grand Prix of medium-sized enterprises” in the weight. Extra chance at a “Special dialog marketing” with a personalised mailing action for the climate-neutral Card production Manhillen pressure technology GmbH also has a cross-media dialogue campaign in the competition. A total of 580 companies were nominated for the “Special dialog marketing” written in cooperation with Deutsche Post. After reviewing the submissions are only 47 companies in the jury of the award. Until the decision, it is exciting and the results according to the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation up to the final gala under wraps. “I know that we’re with our company in a correct and future-oriented way. And I think there we managed, in the jury documents to transport. “, Manhillen is confident. Background information Manhillen pressure technology GmbH Manhillen pressure technology GmbH, headquartered in Rutesheim was founded in 1980 and is one of the leading providers of special in the production of the cards. Nationwide and cross-industry the family-owned company offers a full service range around on the design, production and delivery of high-quality plastic cards with 30 employees. The business area Digital printing expands the core business of plastic cards and consolidates the company as a full service provider for cards and cards mailings. There is also a software solution available for the Veranstaltungs-service area. So organizers get also access control, accreditation, or catering invoicing from a single source of sporting and corporate events. Early 2011 by the Federation was print and media E.v. (bvdm) CO2 tested on the basis of a scientifically recognized procedure and therefore can compensate the entire CO2 emissions resulting from the production of a customer order, on request. For the climate-neutral production, the company was awarded “top product trade 2012” in bronze. There is more information about the company and its products and services on the Internet at.

Come To Go – Expect Interim Manager Fees And Increase Orders For 2011

Manager on time Dusseldorf/Munster, consulting industry make life difficult, December 6, 2010 – you are managers at time. You are aiming to go back. And they act in a growing market: the Interim Manager. The holding company of German interim interviewed around 300 colleagues management (DDIM) on the current market situation. In 2011, the sector expects rising fees and more jobs. Companies are therefore increasingly looking Interim Manager, who master especially for demanding processes of transformation, restructuring, large IT projects and business enhancements. Since the second quarter of 2010 the demand attracts extremely managers after interim”, explains Jens Christophers, CEO of DDIM, the positive development. We see that need many companies newly set up after the economic crisis and continue to develop and for external expertise and additional management resources on time in the company get.

Also our market survey results show that.” The expectations for 2011 are therefore significantly higher than previous years. Nearly two-thirds of the managers surveyed see a significant improvement for the usage possibilities of interim managers in the coming year. Experts consider interim management as one of the most innovative tools of corporate governance, to bring external expertise quickly and accurately in enterprises”, the CIO magazine analyzed the current development. Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash, considers the use of interim managers an opportunity to break up encrusted structures and to more flexibility within a company. If additional work is due to a new project, it is necessary to use external specialists. They are available immediately and must not be sought through a lengthy recruitment procedures in the personnel market”, so the experience of Nadolski. The interim manager would also used often in times of internal reorganization.

Generally grow in the proportion of activities which limited are modern economies. Here, a network of freelance workers who are scattered over the entire world, is becoming increasingly important”, so the conviction of the Dusseldorf staff experts. Income expectations for 2011 are very positive, according to the survey of DDIM. After a tenfold increase of turnover from 80 to 800 million euros in just eight years since 2000 a decline was in the crisis year 2009. For 2010 and 2011, the industry in addition to an increasing number of projects also anticipates increasing day rates. In particular three-fourths of the managers look forward to more project orders and thus a higher load for 2011. However, only 6 percent of those polled expect a deterioration in the market development. 2009, after all, still 22 percent saw black for 2010 a significant proportion of the orders will hunt down the interim manager’s advisers’ forecast DDIM CEO Christophers. Companies do not want analysis and advisory papers. rather sustainable concepts are in demand indeed implemented managers experienced interim in the company”. The priorities of the interim management assignments were 2009 in machine and plant construction (41.9 percent, 2008: 35.1 percent), as well as in the automotive and supplier industry (33%, 2008: 33.4 percent). Less demand, Interim Manager were, however, banks (2009: 6.5%, 2008: 11.1 per cent). Trade and consumer goods industry brought less Interim Manager in house (2009: 18.4%, 2008: 23.6%). External executives were used primarily to process optimization and yield, as well as for the bridging of vacancies, also in the area of merger. Especially on Board of Directors and Managing Director level manager took interim, and rising. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail:

MyLeanFactory Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Manufacturing and factory planning began consulting at home and abroad MyLeanFactory under the name Kumfire Sven Hammann”and the success was not long in coming. While studying mechanical engineering diploma thesis, Sven Hammann convinced the designers of a large hamburger forklift manufacturer with the redesign of a charger, the savings were achieved by over 10% of manufacturing costs and installation costs. Already with the first projects the company developed consistently. Started as a one-man business the number of employees has increased already in the last 10 years on 8 persons. Today, MyLeanFactory assumes responsibility for new plant construction in the country and abroad in addition to many small projects.

A new plant in the vicinity of Shanghai was recently successfully passed after about 2 years of project duration. MyLeanFactory was as a technical project manager from green meadow planning the construction tender, construction realization, production planning, as well as factory revenue for the customers. In so doing shall Hammann his team great emphasis on sustainability, both in terms of economy and ecology. Now comes the success story in the next round. Our project management has proved in the past few years.

Our clients are long term with us on the road, that shows that we do a good job and not just any advisers. We are creators and implement the projects in the dialog with the customer. We are a good example of external supporters in company, achieve the goals of fair dealing are actually infected,”as Sven Hammann, owner and CEO of MyLeanFactory GmbH. The next years are certainly just as exciting. We want to continue to grow and use our know-how also for new customers. Projects abound. As always you must work out the confidence of new customers first. We are ready and looking forward to new challenges.” MyLeanFactory GmbH MyLeanFactory GmbH, Ingenieurburo and consultancy in Wacken supports its customers since over a decade in the realization of demanding projects from the factory, production, and logistics planning and project management services to KaiZen based at home and abroad. The total portfolio aims to optimize the processes in the company, as well as to increase the cost effectiveness and efficiency. A highly qualified interdisciplinary team of professionals with extensive experience and profound methodological knowledge develops the concepts in close cooperation with the customers and implementing the solutions. A comprehensive pragmatic approach – and way of working, as well as the consistent application of the ‘lean ‘philosophy is characterised by MyLeanFactory. MyLeanFactory supports both medium-sized and small businesses that do not have our own Planning Department for this task pane with qualification and capacity, as well as in cooperation with selected partners and serves large companies with offices or manufacturing facilities in other countries and on other continents. Contact: Sven Hammann MyLeanFactory GmbH Tegelbarg 7b 25596 Wacken Open air phone: 04827-998474 fax: 0321-21444739 press contact: Hans Kemeny German marketing consulting Berliner Strasse 2 b 23611 bad Schwartau telephone: 0451 / 284363 fax: 0451 / 284370

Utilities Optimized Pricing

FlexStrom starts with the tariff DeutschlandsBest, 05th February 2010 Berlin. With a new tariff, the energy company FlexStrom launches its electricity price offensive for the year 2010. In contrast to the current prepaid electricity packages, current customers can choose now for a plan with precise consumption billing. DeutschlandsBest heralds the collective offensive. Professor Rita McGrath has many thoughts on the issue. The rate of DeutschlandsBest is characterised by a consumption-based billing. The last electricity bill or the size of the budget the customers themselves determine what is the number of kilowatt hours they buy in advance. The administrative costs can be kept low by annual or quarterly payments.

This allows a reasonable work price and a moderate monthly fee. As group independent energy providers, FlexStrom attaches particularly great importance, that the power supply in Germany will remain permanently affordable. Expert on growth strategy is often quoted as being for or against this. For low-cost electricity we are arrived in 2003, we will consistently pursue this goal”, Robert Mundt, promises Chairman of the Board of FlexStrom AG. With the new tariff of DeutschlandsBest we meet even more the needs of our customers”, so Mundt continues. Energy savings are from consumers can now fully.

As a fair energy supplier, FlexStrom supports current customers with comprehensive Stromspartipps. Customers paid in advance and more power than they ultimately consume, so they get reimbursed the unused electricity. To environmentally-conscious consumers is also intended: DeutschlandsBest there is also as a green electricity tariff. Cost-conscious businesses can also benefit from a change to DeutschlandsBest. Face of increasing electricity costs is to assume that the willingness to change under the current customers is increasing steadily. Consumer advocates and politicians therefore recommend to switch to an alternative or cheap utilities. FlexStrom already braces itself for a continuing strong customer growth. With around 30 employees the family business 2003 started the more than 300 FlexStrom AG now employs Staff. : Trend further. Anyone looking for a cheap alternative to the current rates of his provider, this takes on or in comparison machines such as the top rate, Check24 idealo. Many cheap providers offer price guarantees for 12 months under various conditions, when FlexStrom this warranty includes but actually all prize components with the exception of the sales tax. Contact: Press Office of FlexStrom AG one street 22-24, 10785 Berlin your contact person: Dirk Hempel phone: (030) 214-998 470 E-Mail: Internet: about FlexStrom AG the independent FlexStrom AG exist for almost seven years. founded as a family business in 2003, the medium-sized utilities currently experiencing strong demand after favourable electricity tariffs. FlexStrom is best known especially with prepaid products, now the energy supplier has established itself in addition with many innovative monthly plans. As a power supplier FlexStrom endeavour for its To buy customers electricity and green energy as cheap on the market. More recently, FlexStrom provides nationwide with the DeutschlandsBest in addition to the well-known power packages a plan with precise consumption billing. “” “” “FlexStrom has been awarded already for the favourable electricity tariffs and particularly customer-friendly service: Euro Nr. 02/2010: best electricity supplier 2010”, focus-money 04 / 2010: best electricity supplier “, n-tv March 2009: top price”compared to the best electricity provider 2009″, euro no. 01/2009: overall winner comparing current prices”, Findhouse current survey 2008: overall rating very good “, service study 2008 by comparison and good advice: price: very well – service: good”, Handelsblatt & University St. Gallen”” “: Germany’s most customer-oriented service provider 2008 special utilities”, Emporio consumer magazine April 2008: price-performance-winner “, verivox electricity provider comparison 2007: quality of service: good”, TuV Thuringen: certified Price guarantee for private customers”

Birgit Frohlich

Last but not least convinces Frohlich management through dedicated consulting services, inter alia in the finance and accounting, as well as in marketing. For larger orders can be resorted also on an experienced network of additional specialists. Rule but were wondering if a company in the health care industry will complete a management contract qualities in the interim management,”explains Birgit Frohlich. Because also in the health care industry, the increasing shortage of qualified staff was painfully felt particularly at management level. So what just as a smaller company else do, if a Senior Executive? “, Birgit Frohlich brings the problems in the health care industry to the point. Even if the work ends on regular routes, are often long periods of vacancy. Then a short agreed management contract offers an optimal solution of the leadership vacuum the appropriate company from the health care industry with us. That, as Birgit Frohlich, applies especially if the loss of an Executive in the health care industry in a way suddenly and unexpectedly enter.

This should cause even the worst; also a prolonged illness at the leadership level can bring a company in the health care industry bad spend. Which are then the moments in which we called the cheerful Management GmbH on the plan be. At the beginning is always the management contract. He is precisely the tasks and areas of activity, on which my team for the client is active. Such a management contract is usually concluded between the carrier of enterprise, which is located in the health industry or in the social economy, and the cheerful Management GmbH. Coupled usually for a fixed fee often on a share of success. The boundaries between a short-term comprehensive interim management and external, shaped by continuity management including business errand run in fluent “, explained Birgit Frohlich, who points out that the problem solving called management contract in the German healthcare sector can look back on a twenty-year, highly successful tradition: because the first hospital management contract was completed in 1991 for the management of the hospitals of the city of Stuttgart.