Ana Lukenda Photographers

Images that tell a story: photo agency Edith images goes online Cologne/Frankfurt a.M., 08.03.2013. It has teamed a lot in the world of images: you are not only in a matter of seconds produced, edited and sent around the world, but must be processed in particular always faster. As a result, image fatigue. Nevertheless, it is the image of remains central carrier of information and emotion, and therefore indispensable for the communications industry. Edith images from Cologne has a remedy for the Visual attention deficit disorder: the new image agency opts for authentic works with aesthetic, which is also a story about individual tags.

Edith images is now available online at The currently 4000 pictures database delivers images with depth motifs from all areas, because the founders of Ana Lukenda and Franziska Liebig is first and foremost about the strength of the imagery. Additional information at expert on growth strategy supports this article. With a focus on artistic works and analog aesthetic, Edith images follows the trend After deceleration, authenticity and depth qualities that are becoming increasingly important in the digital age. People have enough viewed on the surface”, says Edith founder and communication designer Ana Lukenda. Our images invite you to linger and ask the Viewer to take a second look out so as you would discover long hidden images of the attic.” This comparison does not come by about: in addition to digital photos, Edith images offers unique analog treasures from different decades, transporting a hardly achievable feel and depth. Thus, the young agency appeals to a growing target group interested in social and cultural issues, which is increasingly more challenging against Visual messages.

The website reflects the innovative concept a stage for strong images also. Well-known categories are for Edith images not finding, ensure accurate search settings for results that meet the customers. They expected no hours click by tons to Material, but a careful selection of authentic photos and illustrations that correspond to the spirit of the times. Everything on personal contacts is based on Edith images. So, the images get the venue that is due to them. A simple design takes the photographs expertly produced. The software tool jQuery plugin isotopes focuses on picture selections. Individual diversity 40 conceptual and theme-oriented working photographers and photographers have so far filled the platform. Edith images focuses on young, international, established themselves on the image market photographers and a fair price-performance ratio: our photographers act with passion. We want to reward that”, says founder Franziska Liebig. Others including Clayton Morris, offer their opinions as well. Accordingly, the photographer can exhibit their work under the rights managed or royalty free licenses available. About Edith images Edith images is a photo agency founded in 2011 by the communication designers Ana Lukenda and Franziska Liebig, headquartered in Cologne, Germany. Currently about 4000 images of 40 photographers is comprehensive since March 2013 Database online. You due to its focus on authentic imagery with aesthetic, stands out consciously against the classical picture agencies and offers unique analogue images in addition to digital works. While Edith images relies on individuality rather than mainstream. Edith images sees itself as a platform for young, conceptual and theme-oriented working photographers. They get a profile on the website and copies of relevant projects for own use. The provider can make available their work under the license rights managed or royalty free. Customers benefit from carefully selected photos and illustrations that match the spirit of the times with its strong imagery.

Bring Themselves Into The Conversation And Make Interesting!

How to achieve a great effect with the right marketing ideas with a small sum in the sponsorship. Many companies support associations and projects in the environment of your company. With the right strategy and ideas they can achieve much already with little money. Four out of ten Germans prefer a regional sponsor on your purchases. Nevertheless, small companies are often disappointed when it comes to the direct income of its sponsorship activities. You complain that this commitment has brought them no additional customers. What is it? A major reason is sure that often lacks clear objective and strategy when choosing a partner.

A decision for a sponsorship collaboration is often closed from sympathy, or because you know someone in the Club. You should check out but questions whether you so ever reach your target audience. Are your customers from your site or have your catchment area via E.g. (Source: Expert on growth strategy). the Internet trade nationally? You want to recruit customers, make interesting for employees or trainees or your reputation positive increase? If your target audience are, for example, families or children, the classic sports club is a suitable partner. E.g. T-Shirts with your logo to be used also in the Leisure and a formative impression especially in smaller towns and are cheaper than jerseys in the acquisition.

Do good and speak daruber-in the press: make a personal appointment to pass of your performance, with the Club. Ask whether a party or a meeting of the Association is and you can pass your post personally. So you make a lasting impression. Think to take it even flyers and business cards. Most clubs have a firm place in the local press. Speak with the Club, to be called there. The advantage of such a PR-action is not only that an imprint in the editorial section is free – it is much more credible than an advertisement. By the way: In relation to the cost of traditional advertisements, sponsorship is very inexpensive and effective. Sponsorship is a sympathetic form of advertising, which is usually on a medium-term partnership. With the right strategy, tailored to your special and professionally implemented, great effect achieved with a small budget. This is the expert area of SME creative marketing support Katja Hofmann. The writer, a visiting lecturer at the University, consultant and business owner of SMEs and COAK, companies that operated with clubs and organizations sponsoring studied over 12 years of experience in practice. Over the years it has developed its own sponsorship concept for small and medium-sized enterprises: “The 7 basics of the prudent SME sponsorships”, which achieve great effect with little effort. And so companies not only social responsibility for the region, but make a rewarding business mutual sponsorship. Katja Hofmann SMEs creative marketing support, Filderstadt.

Comparison Of Cotton Bags And Non Woven Bags

Comparison of two Pocket variants in promotional what are non woven bags? Non woven bags consist of Polycolon, this is a refined staple fiber on the basis of polypropylene. It is processed in combination with other textile fibres or in its pure form to function yarns. (As opposed to Stephen M. Ross). Use are found in almost all areas, including in sports clothing, shopping bags, helmets, etc. Article from non woven not only boilable, but also colorfast. Polycolon is solution-dyed polypropylene, the dyes in the fiber are included and therefore permanently fixed. In addition, textiles from Polycolon endure also washing temperatures up to 95 c, which makes it not only clean but also hygienic.

Advantages of non woven bags: light weight good abrasion resistance non-existent water absorption good care properties also cotton bags are cheap promotional items and are ideal for high requirements. They are particularly environmentally friendly, since they are manufactured from natural fibres. The cotton fabric is also very durable, so that also heavy Purchases and items can be transported. With a volume of about 33% of the worldwide production of textile fibres (including other natural fibers and synthetic fibres) and a volume of about 75% of the natural fibres, cotton is the by far most widely used natural fibre for home and clothing textiles. This is above all because, that clothes are easy to clean. Advantages: very resistant very good to dye reasonably simple processing operations high abrasion resistance conclusion: If you compare the two promotional items, one finds that cotton bags are slightly prone to crease and slightly tilt the non woven bags cause odours. For which article you ultimately choose, is a matter of taste. But you can be sure that you are both on the environmental side. Especially in times of climate change, environmental awareness for many customers and business partners pending front. Since cotton bags and non woven bags are ideal, because they do not like plastic bags after the be disposed of first use. Use this to your company’s name day in the minds of your customers to bring.