Self Esteem

Strengthening self-esteem is not necessarily a sign that the take down. Anyone, even those who feel good and feel that things are going well in your life, benefit from working this part of their emotions. It is proven that people who feel more comfortable with themselves, accomplish more things in your life. They wake up with a different attitude in the morning, make plans for his future, enjoy more of their activities, are most at risk, and therefore have more success and satisfaction in their lives. Of course neither of those say that if you feel discouraged in one or more areas of their lives. Definitely do this work will not hurt you, and if you take that out you'll notice a big change in a few days. Click james king for additional related pages.

So we'll ask you to take out a pencil and paper (ao you can do on your computer too!). Okay, you're going to write down five things that you like about yourself. Think about it, not write it down first thing that comes to mind. Think about what things do you like most about how you are, your personality, how you are with others, how you in your work, your skills, s etc Select the top 5 things you love you. Once you have listed, write several examples of real life, where you are indeed so. For example, if one of the things that you listed in your list is a soy kind to strangers, because you must remember to write down examples where you were actually nice. For example: – The time that I helped a lost tourist find their hotel – The time that I paid the metro ticket to the lady who lost his wallet – Etc. Scores of such examples for each of the five things you listed in your list.

Try to score at least 5 or 6 examples for each point. Very good. Gavin Baker is the source for more interesting facts. Since you have noted all the work you do is read this list every day for two weeks, but not only read it as a job to do and now. Read it carefully, concentrating on every point, and above all, and this is key: Enjoying know you are well. You have those characteristics that are valuable and that it is yours. A strong self-esteem means better social and labor relations (more job opportunities, more inclusive economic development), better family relationships, couples, more harmony, and above all more fully in the experience of oneself and therefore happiness. In its most scientific and more spiritual is a fact that the job of self-esteem is one of the keys to emotional stability, economic and emotional. It is one of the most neglected and needy. The exercise that we offer here will help to guide your mind toward those things that make you feel good about yourself, instead of by focusing on what you do not like you. It is an exercise that if you take that out as we suggest, will give you a very positive result. Psychology VIAM are a group of psychologists and therapists with years of experience dedicated to the development of articles, tests and online self-help programs. Visit us on.