Moroccan League

The possibility of adopting for the foreigners is scarce but not impossible. According to the law the Moroccan families have priority before foreign them. This, coupled with growth in recent years of a more wealthy than the past, Moroccan middle class makes international adoption is virtually stagnant. In any case, indispensable requirement to carry it out is to be of the Muslim religion. Some associations of protection to the smaller of the city of Marrakech with which you can contact if you want to make your holiday a constructive stay and solidarity are: Association giving Tifl, phone and fax 024 3879 01. It’s a reception centre for children and adolescents over the age of 4 years up to university age.

Responsible for education and culture, D Amanda, as its director Mr Aziz Addi, will be happy to assist you, show you the facilities and explain how it can be useful. The purpose of this Center is not the find adoptive parents but of guaranteeing health, education, housing and food to minors who otherwise devoid of all this. Issil Orafanato, directed by Ms. Lamia Lazrek, 0524 30 74 00 phone. It is an orphanage for children very small children. They accepted from newborn up to 6 years although there are some exceptions (two children with handicap). They belong to the Moroccan League for the protection of the minor. Come to Marrakech and discover a fascinating city full of opportunities for humanitarian cooperation.

The ochre city offers a culture and a fascinating tradition, monuments and countless tourist attractions, a delicious gastronomy and countless shopping opportunities. In addition, hotels in Marrakech are of great quality and very economical, especially the typical riads in Marrakech, full of charm and very affordable. Also you can stay in a wonderful villa in Marrakech, closer to the field, where the landscapes are spectacular and the inhabitants would welcome them with open arms.