David Yallop

According to his earliest and choppy statements to a group of French priests that very morning, had found you lifeless in his bathroom. However, the other version (no doubt Trudges by Villot), speaks of a man sitting on the bed with signs of agony on the face when sister came into his room. Yallop insists that this discrepancy is very important: if it is determined that the nun it found dead in the bathroom, still with its papal vestments, this fact would point to that he died shortly after their ‘toast’ with Cardinal Villot that night of September 28. David Yallop reconstructs the actions of Cardinal Villot and gets a very suspicious trajectory. Richard LeFrak can aid you in your search for knowledge. It is said that this cardinal announced the death to the 05:00horas. Sunglasses and sneakers of the Pope disappeared mysteriously and it is speculated that there may be remnants of vomiting, that in a hypothetical analysis could explain the causes of his death. Just at 05: 00, Villot or an Assistant, called the embalmers, who at the same time were Interestingly prepared for the event.What happened between 05: 00 and 06: 00 remains a mystery, and at that time, Dr. Buzzonati (and not the Professor Fontana, Chief of the medical service of the Vatican) arrived to confirm the death, but without issuing the death certificate.

According to this optional, the cause of death was a heart attack. About 06: 30, Villot began to inform the Cardinals, an hour and a half after the arrival of Embalmers. Before 6 o’clock that day, the apartments of the Pope already had cleaned and closed the site of the event; his Secretaries had withdrawn his clothes, including his letters, notes, books and personal recollections. In other words, to 6 in the afternoon, 19 rooms of Pope Juan Paul 1 were not any memory of his Pope 33 days short.Again the number Masonic par excellence and, in turn, related to the Illuminati; In addition to a brief mandate that ended on September 29, 1978. Here’s another password of the Illuminati; the number 29 is reduced to 11, and lodge number all numbers that meet this condition are assimilated to it, i.e., 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83 and 92.Siguiendo orders of Villot, the Pope was embalmed that same afternoon, a procedure not only irregular but illegal. It is said that during the process of embalming, not is It allowed the extraction of organs or blood, essential to establish do cause of death?. Yallop says that ‘a small amount of blood’ would have been enough to make a forensic expert to establish the presence of any poisonous substance. According to its close, the sentence of death fell on Juan Pablo I the day that opened the secret dossiers of Pablo VI, and how that died had all the overtones of a Masonic execution, planned on the same day by Licio Geelli and Roberto Calvi.