Classic Fireplace

On the classical mantelpiece and his congregation with a closed firebox construction principles of classical fireplace, inscribed into the interior of the house, namely the fireplace with open fires remain unchanged for hundreds of years, and the same, there are mistakes, which sometimes make even experienced potters. Because the fireplace – not an ordinary product, which, to put it either, everywhere will be in place. Fireplace – one individual. But its effectiveness depends largely on the characteristics of room in which it is located. And since every living room also has its own individual characteristics, to properly combine them.

How is the idle fireplace? Like any other engineering design, has a fireplace some reference point. This is the simplest version of demonstrating the principle of system construction. Finalization of the simplest design possible to utilize a more economical energy otaplivaya her room. Other improvements made fire safe. But the foundation of all models is one. Having decided to install a fireplace, do not look at what it will be the main heating elements of the room. Of course, a fireplace – a type of furnace.

But the oven closed furnace, it heats the room with all his "body", which is heated during firing. The fireplace is a large open hole and the firing line the chimney. Heat during firing quickly goes through these two holes, no time to warm up the design itself. Only heated wall of the fire, but it certainly is not enough. The main fireplace, heat is transferred by radiation from the burning fuel.