Cabaneros National Park, A Personal Vision

Among the provinces of Ciudad Real and Toledo, 86 people occupying part of the protected area, National Park Cabaneros has among its main objectives the preservation animal and plant species, old friends (old I missing?) As the Iberian lynx, the imperial eagle, black vulture or birch or yew. I do not believe in the power of Fate, but some things require rethinking the philosophical principles of each. One of those things happened here, while still was not or national park. It happened that in 1988, thanks to the tremendous efforts of environmentalists and pressure groups are able to stop the initiative was to convert this former estate of the lords of Montes de Toledo in a military training camp. Instead it became a National Park. And not just environmental groups were going to thank, but that way was to save its ecosystem, its species, its rhythm and its landscape. The hand of man, however, has spread over the region, although moderate and sustainable manner.

Sustainable because conservation of fauna and plant remains their responsibility, moderate, because the set of active tourism companies and gastronomic has failed to curb the impulses themselves in the market so the National Park continuing support, visits and benefits for all species . Entrepreneurs make their money, visitors know the landscape and enjoy it. The animals are still alive. This balance, in our times, deserves, at least I think so, give credit to whom it is concerned, starting with those environmental groups without changing anything got to keep everything, which is much more than a change. On the other hand, finally, people may engage in other trades, they can reject nuclear power plants that gives them a future and can also enable their properties and contribute to the development of rural tourism in Ciudad Real and Toledo.